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Speaking of JESUS

Speaking of JESUS


May 10, 2020: Episode 42 | Speaking of Mentors

The message that sparked the conversation ... Stand a Little Taller.

What’s the difference between a mentor and a meddler? Join us as we discuss the blessing of walking alongside each other, the power of an outside perspective, and the man who mentored Moses.

Discussion Questions

  1. Was there someone who mentored you, formally or informally, along the way?

  2. How does the term "mentor" strike you? Positively or negatively? Why?

  3. Why do some people seek out mentors?

  4. In Exodus chapter 18, we see a mentoring relationship unfold between Moses and his father-in-law, Jethro. As you listen to this chapter, what was one word or phrase that "got" you? Why?

  5. What do you get to know more deeply about the God and Father of Jesus through hearing this?

  6. How is there good news in this for you?

  7. Reflecting on this, what do you want to say to people in your household, church, or neighborhood?

Change Their World. Change Yours. This changes everything.

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