May 03, 2020: Episode 41 | Speaking of Tests
The message that sparked the conversation ... Rescue, Test, Rest.
Do have performance anxiety when it comes to tests? From redundant academic exercises to medical results, few of us enjoy taking a test. Join us as we discuss life’s trials, God’s provision, and manna in the wilderness.
Discussion Questions
- What food would you choose, if that were all you could eat for a year?
- We're talking about "manna" today, which the people of Israel ate every day for 40 years. God says that this was part of a "test" (Exodus 16:4). How do you think you would have done with this test?
- When you think about your experience with the tests that the world gives (e.g., in school, medical, job certification), how have you handled these tests?
- How do you deal with "test anxiety"?
- Exodus chapter 15-16 narrates the beginning of Israel's testing in the wilderness. After rescuing his people, God tests them and gives them rest along the way so that they would more fully trust him and listen to his voice. As you listen to this chapter, what was one word or phrase that stood out to you? Why?
- What do you get to know more deeply about the God and Father of Jesus through hearing this?
- Considering the larger Story of Scripture, how is there good news in this for you?
- Reflecting on this, what do you want to say to people in your household, church, or neighborhood?