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None of us can carry the Gospel around the globe by ourselves. But when we work together-as one family, Connected in Christ-God brings the seemingly impossible within reach. 

We hope you will consider hosting a Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) Sunday at your church this year. This day is a chance to celebrate the critical partnership between churches, individuals, and LHM in Bringing Christ to the Nations—and the Nations to the Church. The official date for Lutheran Hour Ministries Sunday, when many churches across the country will celebrate, is February 2, 2025 ... but you can host this event any day your congregational calendar permits. 

While some local churches conduct their own outreach work overseas, many churches do not. As a global mission organization that brings the hope of Jesus to individuals in more than 60 countries, LHM offers the opportunity to fill that gap. In addition, LHM offers resources to support your church and help strengthen your members' spiritual walk. These resources include Daily Devotions, video-based Bible studies, felt-need topical booklets, Gospel Adventures for children, research-based materials developed in partnership with Barna Group, and more. 

LHM has already sent the physical materials needed to host LHM Sunday to every church within The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, as well as all LHM Ambassadors. Additional information about LHM can also be found at Talk to your pastor today about getting LHM Sunday onto the calendar in 2025.

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