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Three billion people don't know Jesus. How do we connect and share the hope of the Gospel with so many who have never heard the Name of Jesus? Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) believes we are called, equipped, and sent to CONNECT people with the Gospel yesterday, today, and into the future.

Under three key ministry priorities that connect people with the Gospel globally, through digital engagement, and right where they are, CONNECT supports LHM's vision for the future and Christ's call to reach the world with Christ's message of hope.

"God has called each and every one of us to share the Gospel message in our lives, work, and families," says LHM CEO Kurt Buchholz. "What a special calling for all of us to CONNECT and welcome others into the Lord's family as we grow together as the body of Christ."

You are a vital partner within your community who can share the ambitious work being completed around the world through the CONNECT Initiative.

How Can You Get Involved?
Use/Share LHM Resources
LHM has developed a wide variety of helpful resources to equip and encourage you in your faith journey. Available for individual, congregational, and community use, you can use and share these resources to help bring the Gospel message to life. Visit

Become a CONNECT Captain
Are you interested in getting members of your congregation involved in this life-changing mission? Sign up today to serve as a CONNECT Captain!

Make a Gift
Annual Giving: Support the ministry's current operating needs to share the Gospel around the world.

Leadership Giving: Join a group of special donors who commit to gifts of $10,000 or more in support of CONNECT.

Bequest/Estate Giving: With the help of an advisor, you can include language in your will or trust specifying a gift be made to LHM in support of CONNECT.

Endowment: Establish or add to an endowment that will share the Gospel with future generations - a legacy of your faith.

"Your generosity will allow more laypeople to grow in their faith and live out their lives in action that they might be a blessing to their communities and the world," says Buchholz. "The end result will be millions more people experiencing the hope and comfort of the Gospel."

Get involved today by visiting Together, we can reach the world with the Gospel.

Change Their World. Change Yours. This changes everything.

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