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The 40 days of Lent are ideal for spending additional time in personal reflection and prayer while thinking about life, death, faith, relationships, and Jesus. Lutheran Hour Ministries offers several timely resources at for personal use, small group Bible studies, or family devotion time to help keep your faith conversations going during this important season.

  • Lenten Devotions: In Lamb of God, we have God's Son come to earth as the eternal Word, Jesus Christ. Throughout John's Gospel, Jesus is made known to us as both God and Man, full of grace and truth. He has come into the world to seek us out—you and me—to rescue us from the power of evil, and to make us His beloved children forever. Jesus was born for sacrifice and servanthood. As God's beloved Lamb, He intimately joined our lives in the flesh, compassionately healing, teaching, and loving us as our Good Shepherd. On the cross, He gave His life for our transgressions, and three days later He rose triumphant in victory over sin, death, and the devil.
  • Our Spanish devotional series, Tus pecados te son perdonados, was written by Cristian Morales, Deaconess Erica Jofre, and Rev. Dr. Héctor Hoppe. These devotions, likewise, speak to the power of God's love, grace, and forgiveness to a fallen world—something we need to remember daily: "'Your sins are forgiven.' This phrase is undoubtedly music to the ears of all those who listen to it with faith. To be forgiven is to experience an immense and inexplicable inner peace. It is feeling relieved and completely clean. It is being freed from all those burdens that overwhelm us and steal our peace."
  • LHM Learn: The Marks of Love: We know Him by the nail marks in His hands and feet, the marks of a love so great it will not let us go, even if it costs Him His life. In this free Spiritual Reflections online course from LHM Learn, we'll look at just a few examples of Jesus' Marks of Love in the book of Mark.
  • Easter: An Empty Tomb: Death—no person has been wise, powerful, wealthy or influential enough to escape it. Why should we think Jesus of Nazareth would be any different? Check out the insightful video or download the booklet.
  • The Easter Story Children's Booklet: Available in English or Spanish, this children's story book for Easter is about Jesus' life on earth. Watch Him as He enters Jerusalem, speaks with His disciples, is betrayed, arrested and, eventually, crucified.
  • Easter TV Specials: LHM has produced several award-winning holiday specials to air on stations across the U.S. and Canada. The Puzzle Club® Easter Adventure brings a challenging case and more adventure for the three clever detectives of The Puzzle Club, Christopher, Korina, and Alex; Easter Is shares how young Benji is chosen by his class to draw an Easter poster for a decorating contest. Benji knows that Easter is more than just colored eggs and cute rabbits, but what should he draw?; and 3 Days portrays the often told Easter story with a "you are there" feel. The clever script and skillful acting bring true human dimensions to the events from Good Friday to Easter morning.

In addition to these resources found at, don't miss the new special from The Lutheran Hour®. What better time than Lent to resurrect an episode from the This is the Life television series and turn it into an Easter radio special! With Tears of Hope, LHM has adapted "He Lives," and infused it with new life.

Tears of Hope follows the lives of the Foster family, as father Luke and children, Daniel and Piper, along with Daniel's friend, Alan, prepare for a lakeside camping trip. Along the way, tragedy strikes, throwing Luke into a crisis of faith. Grief stricken and despairing of hope, Luke is forlorn, but there's light at the end of the tunnel. And it comes in an unexpected way.

Tears of Hope will be available this year on select radio stations. Beginning March 18, visit to find an airing near you. The program can also be heard on The Lutheran Hour website, podcast, and 'Connected by LHM' mobile app, beginning March 25.

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