The 135th Tournament of Roses Parade was held on Monday, January 1, 2024, in Pasadena, California, under the theme of "Celebrating a World of Music: The Universal Language." The iconic annual parade featured marching bands from throughout the United States, high-stepping equestrian units, and dozens of majestic floral floats.
Lutheran Hour Ministries participated for the 73rd time with a float entry titled "Make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord," the only Christian float in the parade. It fulfilled its mission of providing a Gospel witness to viewers everywhere, from along the parade route to televisions, computers, and mobile devices worldwide.
If you missed this year's parade or would like to watch it again, check out RFD-TV's playback option at The LHM float can be seen around the 1:18:00 mark on the video.
The LHM float, as well as seven others, was decorated by around 4,000 Petal Pushers volunteers who travel from all over the country to gather in Pasadena each December. These volunteers spent eight-hour shifts attaching thousands of roses, carnations, lilies, mums, and other flowers, as well as natural materials such as seeds, coffee beans, and leaves, to create the majestic beauty and splendor of the floral floats. Working on a variety of floats allows volunteers to work side by side with people from diverse backgrounds, believers and non-believers alike, offering an opportunity to make new friends, network, and share expressions of the faith that gives true meaning to the experience.
"I've been coming to Pasadena to participate for the past twenty-five or thirty years," says David Spurgeon, who serves as a director of Christian education at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and brings youth groups from his church and others in the area each year. "I first started participating when I was a kid, so it means a lot to be able to bring groups of kids each year to witness this experience. It is so cool being able to show the kids the Christ-centered message that is being shared during the parade through the LHM float."
"I was here five years ago, so this is my second time coming to Pasadena to help decorate the floats," says Nechi Fullerton from Little Rock, Arkansas. "I love flowers, volunteering, and the Rose Parade. This presents the perfect opportunity to 'travel with a purpose'. It is an indescribable feeling when you get to see your work while watching the parade. You really get attached to the floats that you worked on throughout the week."
"I came out to the Rose Parade in 2001 and wanted to do petal pushing from the moment I saw the parade in person," says Carolyn Gray of Orlando, Florida. "Twenty-three years later, I am here with a Luther Tours group, finally making my dream come true."
"I have been amazed by the camaraderie and joy shared by all the volunteers who are so proud to be part of this process," says Chris Peimann from St. Louis, Missouri. "This has been such an inspiring experience, not only because of the scale and history this event brings with it, but because of the amazing people behind the scenes who have dedicated their lives to giving us all this beautiful experience each year."
The LHM float is a self-funded project of the Southern California District of the Lutheran Laymen's League. The float is not included in LHM's operating budget.
Lutheran Hour Ministries is humbled with overwhelming gratitude for the thousands of people who came together to share Jesus on an immense scale. We are grateful for the ongoing leadership of Dick and Lynn Gast, the members of the Southern California District of the Lutheran Laymen's League and the Lutheran Hour Ministries Float Committee, the painstaking volunteer efforts of the Petal Pushers, and everyone who supports this endeavor through financial support and prayers. THANK YOU!
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