The 135th Tournament of Roses Parade will be held on Jan. 1, 2024, in Pasadena, California, under the theme of "Celebrating a World of Music." The iconic annual parade, beginning at 8 a.m. Pacific Time, will feature marching bands from throughout the United States, high-stepping equestrian units, and dozens of majestic floral floats.
Psalm 98 calls forth a universal song of victory proclaimed with voices, lyre, trumpets, and horns. This is the song of God's victory, which He has achieved through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The people of God sing a new song—a song of hope, joy, and praise.
The 2024 LHM float, "Make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord," marks the 73rd time LHM has participated in the parade and features three heralding trumpets proceeding from a hymn book. Hanging from the trumpets are banners featuring the great mantra of the Lutheran Reformation, which is God's plan of salvation: Grace Alone, Faith Alone, Christ Alone. Salvation is a gift (grace) from God given to all of those who believe (faith) that Christ's death and resurrection is for you (Ephesians 2:4-9).
The LHM float invites viewers to meet—or meet anew—the Source of hope and joy that cannot be taken away by anything that the world throws at you. Come, see, hear, and experience God's goodness.
Riders on this year's float include Jeff Craig-Meyer, LHM's president of United States Ministries; Monta "Boom" Ekwanit Denow, director of LHM-Thailand; Eden Keefe, the new president of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML); and pastors and laypeople from throughout Southern California.
As a self-funded project of the Southern California District of the International Lutheran Laymen's League, the LHM float is the only Christian float in the annual parade. The float carries on a mission to provide a Gospel witness to viewers everywhere, from the 5.5-mile parade route in Pasadena to televisions and computers around the world.
There are several television channels, streaming outlets, and social media platforms televising the 2024 parade. Check your local listings for the best viewing options.
To learn more about the LHM float, volunteer opportunities, or ways to support this project, visit