Globally, there are billions of people who have not yet experienced the transformative love of our Savior. Many of these unreached people live in places where they have had little or no opportunity to hear about the love of God in Jesus Christ.
Because of our ability to leverage local resources, Lutheran Hour Ministries is uniquely positioned to go out into the world and grow, nurture, and expand the body of Christ. For decades, LHM has proclaimed the Gospel to the world through a ministry model that identifies and equips local laypeople to build their presence and impact using specific strategies and tactics contextual to the culture and language in which they serve.
This Giving Tuesday (Nov. 28), we invite you to embrace that you are now entering the mission field, wherever you are. Through LHM's engaging Gospel resources and your financial support, you can join us in Bringing Christ to the Nations—and the Nations to the Church.
GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Since then, it has served as an unofficial kick off to the end-of-year giving season by inspiring tens of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity through support of the causes that mean the most to them.
Watch your email inbox or check LHM's home page and social media accounts in the coming weeks to learn how your financial support of LHM on this annual day of giving will make your gift go even further.