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As Hispanics—and millions of others—increasingly live on their cell phones, solid online connections are critical to Gospel ministry.

Therein lies the challenge. "Media ministry often involves distance between those creating content or running programs and the people we hope listen to, read, or in some other way engage with our efforts to introduce them to Jesus or nurture their faith," said Rev. Dr. Chad Lakies, director for LHM's North America region. Bridging that gap is integral to LHM's Hispanic ministry focus.

In the Spanish-speaking world, LHM is known as Cristo Para Todas Las Naciones ("Christ for all Nations") or CPTLN. It addresses religious-practicing and non-religious, non-practicing groups. For a "Christian" or religious-practicing audience, there's Para el Camino (PEC) ("For the Journey") at It has daily and seasonal devotions, booklets for adults and children, Bible studies, and Christian audio messages. Also featured are original Spanish sermons, including notes for further study.

In its outreach to a non-religious, non-faith-practicing audience, Sentido Latino ("Latin Sense") at features a podcast of the same name. Hosted by Pastor Luciano Vega-Ayala and Deaconess Noemi Guerra, they speak to the cultural, moral, relational, and social challenges that Hispanics face daily, from a Christian perspective. Audio messages, topical booklets, and life-relevant articles are also on the website.

More people than ever are searching the internet for guidance on topics like stress, anxiety, depression, fear, suicide, and other issues. has been an instrumental digital platform for LHM to reach Portuguese- and Spanish-speaking individuals seeking information on topics like these since its launch in 2017. offers relevant content to help people through downloadable e-books, topical videos, and an opportunity to talk to a team of volunteers throughout Latin America and in the United States.

The potential of LHM's Spanish-language digital connections proved itself in a remarkable story recently. Shortly before Easter, Omar from Bogotá, Colombia, reached out to PEC on Facebook Messenger. Omar was suicidal. He made text contact with Beatriz Hoppe, coordinator for Hispanic ministry at LHM. The rest is about networks and relationships.

Hoppe contacted Pastor Fester from LHM—Argentina. He coordinates volunteers through Fester contacted Julyssa, a counselor with LHM—Mexico. She called Omar for more info and crisis management. Fester then called Pastor Marín in Medellín, who connected with a colleague in Bogotá who—per Julyssa's recommendations—located Omar and got him help at a medical clinic.

Once on the ground with Omar, this distraught man was encouraged to receive the care he needed. He is now regaining his physical and emotional health and has found employment. He passed this note on to those who helped him: "Thanks to God and to you. This is what I can now do with great love." Omar's case highlights the global yet personal way one-on-one ministry is happening through LHM's Hispanic ministry.

A young woman from Panama who has trouble interacting with others recently connected with volunteers through the platform because she wanted to chat with someone about how she feels. She says people describe her as "weird," but she has never examined why she allows herself to be treated poorly. After a period of time, the volunteers began to help her reconsider the intrapersonal relationships she has and introduced her to the Word of God as a key source of understanding, forgiveness, and new life.

Over the past six years, stories like this have been common among the more than 1.5 million visitors to the website from 85 countries who have explored a diverse range of content covering 28 topics. The platform has facilitated meaningful interactions with 6,100 individuals who started an ongoing conversation with volunteers. In addition, reached 2.8 million people during just the last year through its presence on Facebook and Instagram. These accomplishments inspire our Latin America staff to continue bringing the message of Jesus' love and salvation to hurting people through digital strategies.

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