Lutheran Hour Ministries' digital outreach to Hispanics in the U.S. continues to move forward through its consultant partnership with Kerux Group. Working with LHM's Marketing and Communications team, LHM's Spanish-language social media channel Para el Camino-with content on both Facebook and Instagram-have seen positive percentage gains in online indicators, such as follows, comments, interactions, engagements, reaches, and impressions.
This joint effort in expanding Hispanic outreach speaks to a combined expertise and a passionate synergy. It shows a willingness to adapt to the shifting terrain of the digital landscape, applying focus and energy to address what the data reveals. The upward trending stats speak for themselves. "It is indicative of everything that has happened across much of our digital presence based on the changes we've made to improve our reach and engagement, says Rev. Dr. Chad Lakies, LHM's regional director for North America.
Next up: repeating these online experiences through LHM's Hispanic social media outreach channel, Sentido Latino. This will be done by experimenting with various kinds of posts, considering when best to schedule particular types of content, assessing which manner of presentation-text, video, music, talking head, or combination thereof-gets the most traction in digital spaces. All this is done to foster a connection between the user and LHM, to build relationships that gain a hearing for the Gospel.
Improving these online strategies have broader implications than just for Hispanic outreach in North America. Since there's a shared language and cultural similarities, many of the same approaches will be used in LHM's Latin America region. In countries like Uruguay and Guatemala, as well as many others, digital interactions are leading to hopeful connections and the chance to share the Savior. "This work is ongoing, but the data we're gathering over time is helping us to develop a nimble strategy that will better serve our efforts at sharing the Gospel with our Hispanic constituency," says Beatriz Hoppe, coordinator of Hispanic Ministry for North America.
Helping achieve these objectives will be Christina Lopez-Robin, LHM's new digital and social media marketing specialist for Hispanic Ministry. She will be tasked with keeping LHM's Spanish-language content relevant, fresh, and flexible. "We needed someone who could effortlessly bridge the gap between Hispanic and Anglo cultures-both by speaking Spanish fluently and having a Hispanic background and strong international experience," Lakies said. "We're confident her ideas and creativity will help us continue our efforts to grow our audience and engage with them on a deeper level," he added.