Best Practices in Ministry Conference
February 16-18 - Phoenix, Arizona
LHM staff joined more than 1,500 ministry workers from around the country for a free, three-day conference full of fellowship, worship, teaching, learning, and exhibits. This year, LHM hosted a booth and presented at three breakout sessions.
Through The Hopeful Neighborhood Project&trade, LHM has developed tools to equip everyday neighbors to pursue the common good in their neighborhood and love where they live. Jennifer Prophete, director of community programing for LHM, led a session titled, "Leading Your Church to Love Where They Live." This practical session inspired Christians to live out their faith by connecting with their neighbors.
Engaging winsomely with Spanish-speakers is often somewhat uncomfortable because of language and cultural differences. But it can be as simple as "loving your neighbor as yourself." Beatriz Hoppe, Hispanic coordinator for LHM's North America region, presented a session titled, "'No Comprendo!' You Can Reach Your Hispanic Neighbors!" During this session, Hoppe shared that reaching Hispanics can be as easy as being a friend, and with Jesus as our model, He has already shown us the way.
The digital world is impacting us all. Rachel Tichich, digital development manager for LHM, presented a session titled, "Your Church and the Digital World-Equipping People to Live Out Their Faith Online."
Minnesota South District Early Childhood Conference
March 4 - St. Paul, Minnesota
Kevin Bonine represented LHM at the Minnesota South District Early Childhood Conference as a member of the Minnesota South LLL District Board and former LLL District president. At this booth, Bonine shared LHM materials and resources to very grateful Christian educators. Attendees enjoyed learning about Gospel Adventures&trade and appreciated being able to access our Gospel-centered resources.
Missouri District Early Childhood Conference
March 4 - Wentzville, Missouri
LHM staff hosted a booth to share resources like Project Connect booklets for children and Gospel Adventures, which was a highlight for the teachers and administrators in attendance. Teachers were encouraged to incorporate Gospel Adventures into their curriculum at any time throughout the year.
ECO National Gathering
January 31-February 1 - Newport Beach, California
Have you noticed the households in your community changing? Are you curious about the makings of a spiritually vibrant home amidst the shifts in size, shape, and complexity of American households? Rev. Dr. Jason Broge, senior director of design and development at LHM, and Don Everts, senior pastor of First & Calvary Presbyterian Church (an ECO church in Springfield, MO) & author, led a session titled, "The Spiritually Vibrant Home: Three Characteristics for Nurturing Faith" during the ECO National Gathering.
LHM staff also hosted a booth at this gathering with Households of Faith resources and materials. The Project Connect booklets for children were well-received as were the Spiritual Conversation decks of cards.
"Tell the Next Generation" Conference: The Christ-Centered Home
March 11 - St. Charles, Missouri
Rev. Dr. Chad Lakies, LHM's regional director for North America, presented at this Missouri LCMS District conference about building a spiritually vibrant home based on research done in partnership with Barna Group. His session, "The Spiritually Vibrant Home: Three Characteristics for Nurturing Faith," helped attendees center their household as a primary location for God's work of forming faith in ways that are sticky and last for one's whole life.
The LWML Convention and LCMS National Convention are coming soon. Be sure to connect with LHM staff at these events this summer!