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Informing churches about LHM's many available resources is one key role LHM Ambassadors play. From Barna Group research-based kits and LHM mobile apps to Gospel Adventures and LHM Learn courses, LHM's array of resources gives people of all ages tools to deepen their faith. However, to do that people must know they exist. One tried-and-true method to get the word out is a simple one: the church display table. On it, LHM Ambassadors can highlight LHM resources during Advent, Lent, the start of the school year, when hosting an LHM Sunday, or any other time that's suitable.

LHM Ambassador Ryan Foor from St. John Lutheran Church in Seward, Nebraska, said, "Each season, I select relevant materials to expose folks to different LHM resources. At the Lenten season table, I had copies of the Lenten devotions, which our church also provides copies of. During Advent, I had the What Is Christmas? booklet and The Christmas Journey children's booklet. I also showcase LHM's global work like Project JOEL in South America."

Cheryl Lindeman, an LHM Ambassador at St. John Lutheran Church in Woodbury, Minnesota, said, "I especially like the Prayer Outreach Cards/Prayer Wallets because each card talks about what is happening at LHM. People wanted to pick up a set, so they had the information to take with them. Great idea! It wasn't overwhelming-just bullet points to get them interested."

Broadening LHM's Christian outreach is vital, and LHM Ambassadors are especially important in seeing that resources get in the hands of those who need them. "One thing I love about LHM resources is that I can do mission work right here in Seward with a ten-dollar bill. What I mean is that the resources are inexpensive and very well done," Foor said.

Appreciating LHM's widening scope of outreach was Charlie Leslie, a new LHM Ambassador. He serves Our Savior Lutheran Church in Centerville, Texas. He said, "I am especially interested in helping our younger generation gain knowledge and an understanding of the Gospel. With the Holy Spirit, hopefully, this knowledge will become faith in Jesus as their Savior."

LHM Ambassadors take great inspiration in their work from Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians: "Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making His appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God" (2 Corinthians 5:20). To find out more about LHM's Ambassador program, go to

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