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LHM offers equipping resources to help you reach out with the love and Good News of Jesus Christ in your everyday lives. The LHM Learn online courses and webinars cover five faith-strengthening categories and use an array of multimedia elements to help you gain a hearing for the Gospel message.

Five faith-strengthening categories:

  • Christian Foundations (the basics of Christianity from biblical, theological, and historical perspectives)
  • Cultural Concepts (resources to understand the different demographics, cultures, and religions in our world today)
  • Everyday Insights (thoughts about the good and bad that life throws our way)
  • Outreach Essentials (personal evangelism and tools to reach others with the Gospel)
  • Spiritual Reflections (devotional thoughts meant to strengthen and encourage)
All LHM Learn courses are FREE and require only a quick registration to use. Courses can be started and stopped at any time, which is ideal for people on the move or who have in-home distractions. Courses have downloadable resources like a printable journal, discussion guide with questions, video transcript, and a tip sheet for use with small groups.

LHM Learn's courses are ideal for small groups (perfect for Zoom). They can also be shared with friends and family who can benefit from the growing menu of course selections.

Key course features include:
  • Individual, self-paced learning
  • Time for self-reflection and journaling
  • Optional small group discussion guides for home and congregational use
  • Easy access on any digital device - computer, tablet, or smart phone
  • A variety of learning methods designed for the adult learner
For more information on the FREE courses available, visit

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