When the Lord calls you home, who will carry forward your faith and your commitment to sharing Jesus with a world in need? Our new Vine and Branches Endowment Circle allows you to establish or add to an endowment that will share the Gospel with future generations—a legacy of your faith. Your gift will continue to provide support year after year to the mission and ministry work you care most about, even after the Lord brings you to your home in heaven.
Jesus calls us as Christians to act as good stewards of the resources and opportunities set before us by our Lord. Creating an endowment is one way to answer this call.
Giving through an endowment provides security and control to supporters. This type of gift sustains your ministry impact into the future while allowing you the freedom to determine how your contributions are used. Lutheran Hour Ministries receives the proceeds of the funds to use for ministry, while the initial investment into the fund is protected for perpetuity.
When endowments are established with The Lutheran Hour Ministries Foundation, you can elect to have the fund support specific areas of ministry or the area of greatest need. Like many types of planned gifts, you can give to an endowment with many types of assets. You may also be able to realize a significant tax deduction. Giving to an endowment can encourage multiple generations to support a family legacy. What a wonderful legacy to know that ministry will continue to go on in your loved one's name!
No matter how you decide to give, through an endowment, you will be providing sustainable support that will continue to impact Gospel outreach for generations to come. You can establish a named endowment with as little as a $10,000 commitment. The best part of this type of gift is that as investments grow, the impact on ministry over time will far surpass your initial investment.
If you are interested in impacting Gospel ministry for years to come, please contact us at 877-333-1963 or lhm-gift@lhm.org, or visit us at lhm.org/foundation.