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Sylvian is 41 years old and is married with one child. He was born in a small fishing village, graduated from college, and became a national tour guide. Growing up, his parents never took him to church. He got baptized when he was 14 years old and felt like a new life was opening for him. He got married, and he and his wife soon joined a local church. Since he travels frequently for his job, he communicates with his wife through Facebook. While on Facebook one day, he saw an ad from LHM-Madagascar about their Bible Correspondence Courses. He reached out to the LHM-Madagascar staff and quickly enrolled in one of their online courses. Sylvian appreciates the course because he can learn more about Jesus and supplement what he hears at church. He shared with LHM-Madagascar staff that the course helped him grow his spiritual life, and he now sees how God has been working in his life. He continues to connect with the staff to grow in his faith.

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