God has called all laypeople to be powerful witnesses for Christ to their families and communities. At LHM, we strive to create convenient ways for you to connect with Jesus and share your faith with others. Many of our resources are free, easy to use, and digital so that you can use them in your home, on-the-go, or wherever you may be.
God's Word provides the light we need (Psalm 119:105). Our free downloadable online Bible study videos are written by pastors and other professionals. Each study has a discussion guide expanding the video footage with supporting Scripture, commentary, questions, and other features to maximize the topic.
In our newest study, Nurturing Your Faith: Identity, we remember our identity as forgiven children of God in Christ. This is so because God has rescued us from falling victim to an identity stolen by a deceptive culture, our own corrupt devices, and by the devil himself. We are made new in Jesus, redeemed from our fallen nature.
For some, understanding their human identity is in a state of confusion. While many things make us distinctive (gender, race, ethnicity, age, etc.), we are all created by God and reconciled to Him through Jesus Christ. Ultimately, our identity-by the power of the Holy Spirit-is being renewed, transformed, and conformed to become whom God intended us be. Join Rev. Dr. John Nunes for the first part in a four-part series of Nurturing Your Faith at lhm.org/studies. Dr. John Nunes, a pastor within The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, currently serves as a senior fellow at the Center for Religion, Culture & Democracy. He is a former president of Concordia College New York and former president and CEO of Lutheran World Relief.
The various Nurturing Your Faith studies are among the many available within LHM's library of studies. To learn more and explore other LHM video-based Bible studies and resources, visit lhm.org/studies.