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Sometimes we hear messages that are just what we need to hear at that moment-messages that touch our hearts and remind us that God is with us at all times. These comforting messages of hope and encouragement have been a hallmark of The Lutheran Hour broadcast since the program first aired in 1930.

Lana reached out to LHM to share the timely impact of some recent sermons she heard on The Lutheran Hour. Living in rural America, Lana has access to only a few radio stations. Many years ago, she was searching for a Bible-based, inspiring, and encouraging radio program and came across The Lutheran Hour. She was immediately drawn to Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus's soothing tone, and although she missed him after he retired, she continued to listen to the program over the years whenever she could.

In the weeks leading up to and following her husband's death this past spring, Lana leaned on Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler's sermons to give her strength and comfort during such a difficult time. When she heard his sermons on Ephesians, they touched her heart and she knew she had to send a message to LHM staff. Ephesians has been one of her favorite books of the Bible since she was in high school. She has spent months studying the book and said The Lutheran Hour messages painted a beautiful picture of what her husband believed and what she knows he is experiencing now in the presence of Jesus.

She wrote, "I am thanking God for the Gospel and your clear presentation of it each week."
You can hear The Lutheran Hour each week on more than 1,800 stations throughout North America. Visit to find a local airing. The broadcast is also available online at, through a mobile app, and on new media platforms like Spotify, iHeartRadio, Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Sirius XM satellite radio.

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