LHM Sunday is an annual opportunity to celebrate the difference the Lord is making in lives around the world. This year, LHM Sunday focuses on the spiritual vibrancy of our own households, based on research found in our partnership with Barna Group. Ask your pastor if you can host an LHM Sunday at your congregation any Sunday of your choosing!
For more information and to download the LHM Sunday materials, visit lhm.org/lhmsunday.
Below are a couple examples from individuals who have already hosted an LHM Sunday celebration for their congregation this year.
Experiencing their first-ever LHM Sunday this year, members of Grace Lutheran Church in Henderson, Nevada, heard more about LHM's ministry on Sunday, March 7. Grace Lutheran Church members and LHM Ambassadors Millie and Bob Palmer first learned about LHM Sunday from another LHM Ambassador. After suggesting the idea to their pastor and setting the official date, the Palmers took charge of preparing for their LHM Sunday. In addition to utilizing the free LHM Sunday resources available online, the Palmers reached out to LHM's Community Facilitator for Congregations Suzie Sallee. She assisted them in ordering some other resources to display during their event. Then Millie and Bob just had to decide how they wanted their LHM Sunday table to look.
The LHM Sunday at Grace Lutheran was successful, and many members learned about LHM resources for the first time. The Palmers encourage the use of LHM's digital resources at home and members continue to ask about LHM resources that were on display that Sunday. Members shared that they specifically enjoyed the children's booklets since many of the families in the congregation have young children. The congregation was recently gifted a Project Connect booklet rack for members to continue to enjoy topical booklets throughout the year.
Millie and Bob were happy for the opportunity to host an LHM Sunday and they hope to continue the tradition at their congregation in the years to come.
David Schelp serves as an LHM Ambassador at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Emma, Missouri. His congregation has been hosting LHM Sunday for so many years that David remembers many of the old ways of hosting the event. Although they usually host on the dedicated LHM Sunday date of the first Sunday in February, this year they held their event Feb. 28.
Holy Cross' LHM Sunday consisted of the pastor sharing about the work of LHM in his sermon and including LHM in the daily prayers. David set up a table in the entryway of the church to display LHM materials before and after the service.
As a way to thank individuals who donate to LHM through LHM Sunday, David sends a personalized thank you card and small LHM gift like a lapel pin, coffee mug, or ink pen. Holy Cross has a Project Connect booklet rack on display and members enjoy LHM's online resources for Bible studies.
As a life-long listener of The Lutheran Hour, David remembers looking forward to getting the "Junior Broadcaster" in the mail from former Speaker of The Lutheran Hour Rev. Dr. Oswald Hoffmann. He hopes that children today will have the opportunity to know of LHM like he did growing up.