After generations of Communist oppression under the former Soviet government, significant numbers of Russians do not hold religious beliefs or practice them. That makes Russia a ripe harvest field for the Gospel.
Like many LHM ministry centers around the world, Lutheran Hour Ministries-Russia offers Bible Correspondence Courses (BCCs) to introduce the Gospel to people who do not know Jesus, and to reinforce a biblical understanding for people who do. When someone responds to an outreach activity, LHM-Russia will typically invite the respondent to begin a BCC as the next step in his or her spiritual journey. BCCs in Russia are available for both children and adults. Two key ways for promoting BCCs are LHM-Russia's radio broadcasts and ads in publications.
The courses have made a huge impact on people like Victoria, who recently shared her personal story with members of the LHM-Russia team:
"I remember the first lesson of the 'Basics of the Christian Faith' course at St. Anne's Lutheran Church quite clearly. I was sitting in a chapel and everything around me was absolutely new to me-including the fact that I was sitting in the chapel. I liked everything I saw and heard. But I cannot say why I had decided to attend. I don't think I was ready to take the Bible in my hands. I remember the appearance of the LHM volunteer in the chapel doors when he announced that after the lesson, we would be able to take some brochures explaining what the course was going to be about. The brochures didn't look as intimidating as the Scriptures, so, for me-a person who had never even come close to learning about Christianity-they weren't frightening.
"I didn't feel self-conscious reading them on public transport, and they were comfortable to read at home at lunch. The first real value of the brochures was revealed to me when, after getting used to their easy and clear texts, I got a desire to have a look at those Scripture references. I looked into the Bible for the first time. It turned out to be absolutely not frightening and not hard. I liked the fact that there were just the right number of references to make turning the Bible pages engrossing but not tiring. My first prayer was from the brochure, a paraphrased verse from the Gospel of John, chapter 17 to be specific. 'God, shine the light of Truth upon me. Your Word is the Truth.'
"Now I can pray every day, and I cannot even imagine that it was so hard for me to say just those two sentences. Five months later I got confirmed and became a regular parishioner. I am tremendously happy about that. I gave the brochures to my mother. I am sure, that through the power of the Holy Spirit, they will help her come to God as well."
Around the world, nearly 60,000 individuals like Victoria participate in LHM's Bible Correspondence Courses for the first time each year.