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With the hearts of many people around the world hurting, those who had previously not known about Christ are now more open to hearing the Gospel. This means Lutheran Hour Ministries' mission to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with those hurting individuals is even more urgent now.

Although some ministry programs around the world have been postponed or adapted to meet government guidelines regarding COVID-19, the staff and volunteers at our ministry centers continue to spread hope with those who need it. Learn more below about some of the ways that our staff and volunteers are providing hope in the midst of uncertainty.

Many of our ministry center staff and volunteers shared selfies with their facemasks, and we want to see yours, too! Take a selfie wearing your #HopeAbounds mask and share it on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram using #HopeAbounds.

How does hope abound in your life? Send your stories of hope to for possible use in an upcoming issue of The Lutheran Layman.

South Korea
Social media is a simple and effective way to reach others, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic began. LHM-South Korea staff have been growing their social media followers during this time and have begun a YouTube channel to share engaging video messages of hope.

LHM-Jamaica staff uses a variety of methods to share the Gospel with individuals, including holistic support. When children went back to school this fall, the ministry center staff and volunteers passed out school supplies for the local children. Even without in-person events for the time being, they are continuing to make an impact in children's lives.

LHM-Ghana hosts a popular radio program that covers topics such as social issues, sermons, devotions, talk shows, motivational topics and more. Using online radio, they also broadcast The Lutheran Hour archived messages and Daily Devotions throughout the week. Radio programming in Ghana has effectively been reaching individuals with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Equipping the Saints (ETS) training events are hosted frequently by the LHM-Liberia staff. The ETS training programs are intended for training individuals with evangelism techniques so they can go out and share the saving message of the Gospel with others. Oftentimes, youth join the training events to learn how to share the Good News with their peers.

Film showings hosted by ministry centers around the world, including Madagascar, provide the opportunity to reach youth, children, and adults who need to hear the Gospel. LHM-Madagascar staff and volunteers show a film outdoors and introduce Bible Correspondence Courses (BCC) to participants, often leading to many people signing up for the courses to learn more about Jesus.

Loading mp3 players with an audio Bible, Lutheran Bible courses, sermons, teaching content, songs, and hymns allows LHM-Malaysia to reach indigenous people in areas outside the radio signal range. Our staff in Malaysia has distributed hundreds of audio Bibles this year alone.

United States
Dave from Alabama is a faithful supporter of LHM and The Lutheran Hour. He looks forward to the sermons each week and when he received his #HopeAbounds facemask, he was eager to wear it and spread hope in his community.

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