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For many, it feels like the world has stopped. Yet for others, this is a more stressful time than ever before. We have been encouraged to stay at home as much as possible and our lives are full of uncertainty. What hasn't stopped is Jesus' care for us. Listen to what Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler, Speaker of The Lutheran Hour, has to say about what it means to truly find rest in Him.

Be sure to use and share our resources found at to grow with God during trying times like we are facing now. These FREE resources are made possible by generous donors like you! When you support LHM, you are supporting our mission to share the Gospel with people all around the world. THANK YOU!

Watch the following message from Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler, Speaker of The Lutheran Hour radio program, and see what he has to say about what it means to truly find rest in Him.

Thank you for your continuing support that allows us to create timely and relevant resources that reach people with messages of hope and joy in times of uncertainty.

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