Steady demand for sermons from Para el Camino (For the Journey)-Lutheran Hour Ministries' Spanish-language broadcast-has led LHM to restart production and offer them now in a podcast format.
Between 2008 and 2014, weekly sermons were regularly produced for Para el Camino. Since then, sermons have been available through website archives. However, with increasing numbers listening to the Good News online, the demand is there for the accelerated production of new messages.
"Due to the consistently significant number of people- between 2,800 and 3,000-that access these sermons on a monthly basis, we decided to restart production and offer it in a podcast format," said Beatriz Hoppe, Hispanic coordinator for LHM's North America region.
The first stage of Para el Camino's reboot features the podcast alternating between new and archived sermons. Also, to maximize each message, Notas del sermón (sermon notes) have been added. This downloadable PDF has in-depth thoughts on the Bible text, reflection points to consider, and questions for personal and/or small groupstudy. The sermon text can also be printed and shared.
At Para el Camino's website (, users will find practical, Christ-centered information that helps Hispanics manage their daily lives in the United States. Bible-based teaching, sermons, videos, devotionals, and more benefit Christian and non-Christian alike, providing each with help in navigating U.S. culture.
Sentido Latino (Latin Sense) is a weekly podcast featuring hosts Rev. Luciano Vega-Ayala and Deaconess NoemiGuerra. The conversation is informed and lively, as they address the cultural, social, and moral challenges Hispanicsface as U.S. citizens.
For inspiration, there's Alimento Diario (Daily Food). This includes Daily Devotions as well as seasonal Ayer, Hoy y Siempre (Yesterday, Today and Always) offers a weekly, 15-minute drama of hope and inspiration produced with the concerns of the Spanish-speaking community in mind.
At LHM's storefront (shoplhm. org), Spanish-language videos can be purchased, and booklets can be bought or downloaded for FREE. Another resource is ¡Dios se revela! (God Connects), a 12-session video exploration of the Scriptures and the Christian life, complete with accompanying study guides. Also available are LHM video Bible studies-either captioned or with voiceover in Spanish.
You can read about Cristo Para Todas Las Naciones (Christ for All Nations), the Hispanic division of LHM, as well as about the history of the Christian church and the Christian faith under the Conózcanos (Get toKnow Us) heading at the top of the page.