Several years ago, Bill and his wife Connie invested money in a bank CD but weren't happy with the declining rates. The couple had listened to The Lutheran Hour regularly since the early years of their marriage, so when the CD matured shortly after his wife passed away, Bill decided he wanted to honor Connie with a gift to LHM. But he also needed money to live on in retirement and feared he wouldn't be able to make as large of a gift as he hoped.
The solution? A charitable gift annuity (CGA).
A charitable gift annuity is an irrevocable financial agreement that provides regular payments to you for the rest of your life. Here's how it works when you establish a CGA through Lutheran Hour Ministries:
1. You make a gift with assets such as cash, appreciated stock, or appreciated mutual finds.
2. Based on the terms of your charitable gift annuity, LHM will guarantee a stream of income for the duration of up to two lives. You may also be eligible for a tax deduction for your gift today.
3. Once the terms of the CGA come to an end, the remainder of the funds can go to support Gospel outreach through LHM. This future gift is where the charitable aspect comes into play. Your forward-looking will make a lasting impact on the Lord's work, even after you have gone to heaven be with Him.
If this sounds simple, that's the whole idea! Charitable gift annuities are simpler than many other types of planned gifts and often require only a simple contract to execute the agreement between you and LHM. You can set up a charitable gift annuity with as little as $5,000!
If you aspire to support Gospel ministry into the future, but need to provide for yourself or loved ones today, LHM would be glad to talk with you about whether a charitable gift annuity is the right option. We can even provide you with a personalized illustration at no cost or obligation.
As you pray over this opportunity, please feel free to contact our gift planning staff to learn more at 1-877-333-1963 or go online to lhm.org/giftplan.