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At THRED you'll find a forum for the open discussion of ideas. You'll find fresh and ongoing conversations about the things that matter, the things we think about, as well as life's bigger issues —issues like God and faith and Jesus.

At THRED you can share your thoughts, communicate with others, and come away inspired by the give-and-take. THRED offers a place for people to talk about the things they care about. And while it offers a Christian perspective, visitors to THRED will find that it's amenable to all kinds of viewpoints.

At the THRED website, there are articles and vlogs (video logs) on relationships, community, society, God, Christianity, and other items of interest. These can be accessed by clicking here.

At THRED, your voice and experiences count. We know we can learn more through dialogue with each other, which then makes for wonderful and enriching discoveries. And we think the hardest topics should be talked about more, not less.

Stop by and visit us at THRED. Your Voice Matters.

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