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Through a strategic partnership between Lutheran Hour Ministries and SAT-7, the first and largest Middle East and North African Christian TV network, millions of Persian-speaking children, youth, and women are hearing the Gospel daily on television programs. Many of the people in this region have faced trials and hardships in their lives. The SAT-7 PARS programming shares that there is hope that comes from a relationship with Jesus.

One of the children's series offered through this partnership is Golpand, which means "beautiful" or "golden advice". LHM has initiated a support partnership for this program and provides funding for staff and production as well as the design and implementation of a new web page for the SAT-7 PARS channel.

In this program, a fox, canary, and other animal friends live in "The Jungle of Golpand." In each episode, the animals have a lesson based on a biblical perspective, which helps them change their behavior. Children call in to the show to help the animals learn the lessons of that day's episode and encourage the animals to change their bad behavior. Topics on Golpand range from creativity to eating healthy, with many others in between.

Viewers are encouraged to call in to the live show to participate in prayer together. Some children also make their own videos at home which are sometimes featured on the shows. For example, a brother and sister who regularly watch the show make short video skits that correspond to the show's theme. Another girl sends in videos of herself playing her guitar and singing worship songs.

Below are several testimonials from children who regularly watch the Golpand program.

Pareesa, a ten-year-old girl, shares, "I have learned so many things from your program. With your help I have learned more about the Bible. You have taught me the right way to live and I learned from your program that I should give thanks for the blessings of the Lord, and I have learned about things I didn't know before."

Ten-year-old Laaleh contacted SAT-7 PARS to share this prayer: "Oh Loving God, I know you hear my voice. Help me to appreciate my mum and dad more and have more respect for them. God, help me to be kind to my little sister so we can be good friends for one another. My dearest God, help me in my studies so I can make my mum and dad happy by getting good marks, amen." She went on to say: "The Lord is the best listener, you don't need to shout or cry, for the Lord hears even the quietest prayer from a sincere heart."

Taraneh is a young Afghan girl who lives in Tajikistan and regularly calls in. Her inspiring enthusiasm and faith, despite her family's difficult circumstances, shine through in her messages to the channel. "We have to travel three hours to go to my uncle's house to watch the program. I go to play with my cousin because I like it, and I go there to watch your program, too." During one episode, exploring what it means to be thankful, she called to say: "I give thanks for having a mom and dad, a family who are Christians, and that I have been freed from sin."

We are thankful for this partnership and opportunity to spread the love of God to children in the Middle East and North Africa.

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