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"I like to invite my classmates to activities at our church!" says David. David is a sixth-grade student at Jesús en los Pobres School in Loma Cova, a suburb of Panama City. He is also a volunteer for Project Timothy, an emerging outreach program of Lutheran Hour Ministries-Panama.

"Project Timothy grew out of our Project JOEL program," says the director of LHM's Panama ministry center. "We have seen tremendous success with Project JOEL, which uses biblical principles to teach values and healthy life choices to children and youth." The program has been approved by Panama's Department of Education and recognized for its excellence.

"But since Project JOEL focuses on character-building," the director says, "we saw there was room for a program whose purpose was evangelistic."

As in most places, pastors and churches are not permitted to interact directly with teachers and students in Panamanian schools. But children may invite their classmates to a Sunday school, youth group, or congregational activity at their church. Project Timothy helps local congregations coordinate events like that and also trains and motivates children to reach out.

"So Project Timothy is targeted at children and youth in the community that is served by a particular congregation," says LHM Panama's director. "The goal of the project is to connect the children with that local church."

David grew up learning to know Jesus at Dios es Grande (God is Great) Lutheran Church in Loma Cova, a congregation that has long enjoyed a close relationship with LHM-Panama. Project Timothy has provided him a context for putting his faith to work by inviting his fellow students to know Jesus as he does.

"For the Glory of God, David is the result of the interplay of Project Timothy and the leadership of the Lutheran Church in Loma Cova," the LHM director says.

"I have learned things from God and values that I really enjoy sharing!" David says.

Look for more on Project Timothy as the LHM-Panama program grows.

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