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Around 99 percent of the people in Thailand have not heard of Jesus. Ngam, a 25-year-old mother of two, was one of these souls. One day she heard a song she liked on the radio, she didn't know she was listening to Encouragement for You, a program produced by LHM-Thailand.

The radio host talked about Jesus, but Ngam had no idea who Jesus was. Then the host invited listeners to contact LHM's team in Thailand to discover more about the Bible. Ngam felt an irrestible urging inside - she decided to participate in a Bible Correspondence Course.

Through the course, Jesus worked in Ngam's life. "It is helping me get to know God and how to follow him," she says. "I'm very thankful to your ministry."

Today, Ngam's life is completely changed. LHM-Thailand helped her find a local church and she is preparing to be baptized. As her faith grows, she asks the LHM family for prayers as she seeks to help her family know Jesus.

LHM-Thailand shares the Good news every day through the radio and invites people in need to respond. LHM creates this kind of impactful radio ministry in more than 80 languages worldwide.

Ultimately, you make it possible! God uses your gifts and prayers to touch the hearts of people like Ngam with His love.

In Thailand, every $9 towards radio ministry represents someone responding to learn more about the Gospel. To donate to help someone like Ngam click here.

Change Their World. Change Yours. This changes everything.

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