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In today's increasingly post-Christian culture, the need to boldly proclaim the love of Christ is greater than ever so that lives can be changed by the Gospel!

People like you carry this proclamation forward in responding to God's call to fulfill the Great Commission. Share with your congregation the training and resources offered by Lutheran Hour Ministries to shine the light of Christ into a dark world by hosting Lutheran Hour Ministries Sunday on Feb. 7, 2016 (or any Sunday that is most appropriate for your congregation to celebrate the blessings of LHM). LHM's outreach tools serve as the catalyst for partnering with the laity to empower them to be missionaries in their own communities.

FREE resources are available now for hosting LHM Sunday at your church, including bulk quantities of individual offering envelopes and a mini-brochure explaining ways you can partner with LHM (envelopes and mini-brochures are available in quantities of 50), a DVD with a promotional video and a tip sheet that provides simple ideas to make your event a success.

Pastors and LHM Ambassadors should have received a business reply card in the mail recently that can be filled out and returned to order materials for their congregation on LHM Sunday. Orders can also be placed by calling 1-800-876-9880 or visiting Please order at least two weeks in advance of your event to guarantee sufficient time for delivery.

Change Their World. Change Yours. This changes everything.

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