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Coming very soon, Lutheran Hour Ministries' Regional Outreach Conference will hit the Sunshine State on Friday and Saturday, November 13-14. Hosted by Rev. Gregory Seltz, Speaker of The Lutheran Hour, and featuring David Kinnaman, best-selling author and president of Barna Group, ROC—Orlando will help attendees extend their Gospel reach beyond the limits they may have (unwittingly) set for themselves. Here you can, in the words of Rev. Seltz, "Be yourself, in the Name of the Lord, for the sake of others."

Preceding ROC-Orlando's 6 p.m. kick-off event on Friday night will be three pre-ROC labs on Connection, Culture and Community, which begin at 1 p.m. Specifically geared toward congregational outreach and school outreach, these sessions will be led by pastors and teachers who are well equipped in the topics under their discussion. As a prelude to ROC, these workshops will give attendees fresh stories on outreach and equip them with some "best practices" to take back home to their churches and communities when the ROC is over. Attendance at these pre-conference labs is open to all ROC registrants.

Throughout ROC—Orlando there will be workshop presentations, keynote deliveries, interactive multi-media presentations, breakout sessions, inspiring worship, and excellent takeaway resources to use at home—all designed to encourage and empower attendees to share their faith more naturally. Small- and large-group discussions will help attendees hone their witness, while insight and inspiration from Rev. Seltz will feature his street-level experiences in sharing the Gospel around the country. The end result of an LHM ROC is that attendees find their confidence empowered and their enthusiasm kindled to be more active as God's mouthpieces in the world—a world that is aching for peace and the freedom Christ alone can give.

To learn more about ROC—Orlando, click here.

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