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For years now the Men's NetWork at Lutheran Hour Ministries has been providing Christ-centered resources and outreach opportunities for men to fortify their faith-lives and engage in group ministry events. For those unfamiliar with the Men's NetWork at, the website offers original, video Bible studies; contact info for men's groups and their regional service/fellowship events around the country; awesome recipes for grilling and cooking out; fun features like our 'Wear in the World' photo challenge; a weekly e-newsletter and blog; topical booklets that address pressing life issues, spiritual concerns, and family dynamics; how-to guides; merchandise; and lots more.

As a way to learn more about those we serve, we're seeking feedback from our brief, online survey. Your input gives us valuable details on your men's group, what it does to invite new members, what obstacles it faces in gaining new members, and whether or not you're in a men's group at all. Your replies will help shape the Men's NetWork into a more useful resource. By the way, you do not need to be a registered user of the Men's NetWork to take this survey. We welcome any and all takers.

So whether you're in a men's fellowship or not, or whether you've even used the Men's NetWork or not, we'd still like to hear from you. The few minutes you spend completing this survey will help us well into the future. If you'd like to know more about the Men's NetWork before taking the survey, visit the website and check it out.

For those who use the Men's NetWork—smart move! Your feedback in the past has helped us create a resource that is used by thousands. Now, on to the good stuff, to take our quick questionnaire, you can click here and get started.

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