Just released from Lutheran Hour Ministries is A Man Named Martin: Part 1—The Man. Here viewers meet Martin Luther, a religious reformer of extraordinary energy and resolve. From his lowly beginnings in Germany through his crises of faith to his head-to-head confrontation with Catholicism, Luther's life and times are the stuff of high drama. Viewers will see that through it all, God's sure and steadfast presence was at work in the events and circumstances that led up to and ignited the Protestant Reformation.
In five sessions, A Man Named Martin chronicles the life of this extraordinary human being. Born in Eisleben, Saxony-Anhalt in 1483 and raised in the Roman Catholic Church, Luther—even as late as 1517, the year he posted his 95 Theses—was a devout Catholic. Yet, ultimately (after numerous debates, conferences, and pamphlets), Luther's Spirit-inspired recognition of Scripture as the supreme authority over the papacy and his insistence on the truth that God's grace—alone—as expressed in Romans 1:17b, "the righteous shall live by faith," cinched his exodus from the Catholic Church.
Speaker for The Lutheran Hour Rev. Gregory Seltz and seven leading Luther scholars contribute to the final narrative of A Man Named Martin. Together, along with a script prepared primarily by Jim Likens, senior video producer for LHM, these commentators present a Bible study that will give viewers a fresh look into the genius of Dr. Martin Luther. Supporting the video is an in-depth discussion guide, which provides relevant Scriptures, a variety of questions to consider, and numerous Internet links to dig deeper into topics of interest.
A Man Named Martin is part one of a projected three-part Bible study series. Part two is slated for 2016, and part three will coincide with the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017. Those ordering this study now will receive a Bible study in ample time to schedule it to run during their congregation's fall celebration of the Reformation. Interested? Then take advantage of a special offer from Lutheran Hour Ministries: when you order a DVD of A Man Named Martin: Part 1— The Man now, you'll also receive 10 FREE copies of the new Project Connect booklet, A Treasure Revealed: Martin Luther and the Events of the Reformation. Written by Dr. Carol Geisler, this engaging text is a perfect complement to the Bible study. Go to www.lhm.org/martin; when you order, just enter the code MUMartin15. (This offer ends August 31 and is valid in the U.S. only, while supplies last.)