At Christmastime, Lutheran Hour Ministries—India invited its community to help provide new clothing for economically disadvantaged people, as well as hand-powered tricycles to aid disabled people in getting around. The response was tremendous; the ministry center was able to distribute nearly 700 garments and 10 new trikes at a special event in February.
How Swathi got one of those trikes is a story of the Holy Spirit at work through a volunteer named Samuel.
Mr. Samuel, an assistant pastor at a local church, learned of the LHM—India campaign through an advertisement during the Christmas season. Samuel knew that Mr. Murugan and his wife were daily wage laborers that struggled to care for their little daughter, Swathi, who was crippled by deformities of the spine and legs. Samuel came to LHM—India Director Rev. C. David privately to tell Swathi's story and request a tricycle for her. Rev. David was delighted to grant his request.
Then Mr. Samuel faced another challenge. In the predominantly Hindu communities of India, Christians are often blamed for proselytizing, cheating poor people, and a host of other vices. Murugan and his family were faithful Hindus; would they be open to the gift? Samuel went to them. After getting over the initial shock of being offered assistance without even having asked, Swathi's parents accepted the offer and agreed to attend the distribution in February.
"They were moved by this act of love, and both Murugan and his wife wept and expressed their thanks to us and to Mr. Samuel," says Rev. David.
"But the important part of the matter," Rev. David adds, "is the voluntary help, extended entirely without any condition. No one—neither anyone from LHM nor Mr. Samuel—even suggested that they should attend church or accept Jesus as Lord. This helped Murugan and his wife see a little bit of the truth about Christians and Christianity.
"And the Holy Spirit, Who moves hearts and creates faith, has touched them. Now the family is attending worship. We are praying that next He will lead them to baptism."
Lutheran Hour Ministries—India equips indigenous Christians for effective witness, reaches out with the Gospel to youth and children, provides a variety of holistic services—and much more in the name of Jesus. Visit lhmindia.wordpress.com to read more great LHM—India ministry stories.