Lutheran Hour Ministries' English and Spanish Lenten devotions are suited for individual or group reflection. They are also ideal as pass-along texts for friends and family. For the apostle Paul, sharing the Lenten story was paramount to his mission, as is evident from what he wrote the Corinthians: "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God" (1 Corinthians 1:18).
These devotions, The Light Shines in the Darkness, by Rev. Wayne Palmer and De acuerdo al plan de Dios ("According to God's Plan"), by Rev. Héctor Hoppe are available now as a downloadable, printable and customizable resource.
You can find the English devotions by clicking here. An audio version, as well as the e-mail subscription, will be available beginning Feb. 18, Ash Wednesday.
To access the Spanish devotions, click here. The e-mail version will also be available Feb. 18.
As always, the season of Lent is an excellent occasion to ponder the magnitude of what God has done through the cross of Christ and, in response, how this event changes us. As you think on these things, remember you can forward an individual Lenten devotion to others via e-mail as a little spiritual "food for thought," or as a quick invite for that person to join you at church.