Archived News Stories
2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 |
LHM Float Celebrates 70 Years in the Rose Parade
December 18, 2019
Lutheran Hour Ministries will once again have a float entry in the Rose Parade on Jan. 1, this year under the theme of "Anchored in Jesus." The LHM float will appear as the ninth float in the parade (and the 20th unit).
TV Programming Impacts Children in the Middle East and North Africa
December 9, 2019
Through a strategic partnership between Lutheran Hour Ministries and SAT-7, the first and largest Middle East and North African Christian TV network, millions of Persian-speaking children, youth, and women are hearing the Gospel daily on television programs.
Brighten the Holidays by Giving Back
November 14, 2019
With Thanksgiving and Christmas coming fast, the Men's NetWork GIVES BACK event is perfect for your men's group to engage in some holiday spirit distribution.
Include Advent Devotions in Your Family's Christmas Celebration
November 7, 2019
Give your family a Christmas gift this year from Lutheran Hour Ministries: Call His Name Jesus, our 2019 Advent devotions.
Check Out the Newest Courses at LHM Learn
November 1, 2019
Several new courses are now available at LHM Learn, Lutheran Hour Ministries' online learning library that helps you reach out with the love and Good News of Jesus Christ in your everyday lives. Each FREE course gives users biblically based knowledge to enhance their Christian walk by supplying teaching and insights to empower their faith now.
Gospel Adventures: Go Mongolia!
October 23, 2019
For 2020, Gospel Adventures is heading to the landlocked Asian country of Mongolia. This interactive adventures for students includes short articles, videos, maps, colorful graphs, hands-on activities, eye-catching charts, identification boxes, questions for discussion, and more—all working together to highlight the country's ethnic groups, ways of living, religion, economy, culture and customs, government, language, history, and other features that make Mongolia so vast and diverse.
Pocket-Sized Reminders to Share Jesus with Others
October 15, 2019
Talking about our faith with someone else can be a challenge. Pick up a great little resource from LHM that will help you consider how you can engage in faithful prayer and fruitful conversation with the people in your life who do not share your faith.
Bringing Hope to Flood Victims in Asia
October 1, 2019
Several LHM ministry centers in South Asia shared the Gospel with people who desperately needed to hear it following a devastating monsoon season. LHM staff and volunteers provided holistic support, like passing out food and supplies, as well as giving booklets to people in affected areas who lost everything they had.
Check out LHM's Latest Podcast: "Speaking of Jesus"
September 16, 2019
In the new podcast, "Speaking of Jesus," roundtable guests have an informal discussion where they exchange ideas and questions about that week's sermon message on The Lutheran Hour, what it means to them, and how the message is relevant to their everyday lives.
Spiritual Conversations Adapted for Use in Russia
September 4, 2019
The Spiritual Conversation Curve is a practical tool that can be used in any country for personal evangelism.
Lakies Joins LHM as Regional Director in North America
August 16, 2019
With the recent establishment of the North America region as part of its global mission, Lutheran Hour Ministries has brought Rev. Dr. Chad Lakies onboard as regional director for North America to provide leadership and operational management for ministry efforts in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. border area with Mexico. He was officially installed during an LHM staff chapel service on Aug. 15.
Empower Your Communication with a Spiritual Conversations Kit
July 15, 2019
The Spiritual Conversation Kit includes a collection of materials, based on reserach uncovered in partnership with Barna Group, that will get you thinking in new ways about the dialogues you have with others. You'll learn how to "graciously adapt" your conversations to the people you speak with-mindful of where they are in their spiritual journey.
LWML Grant Expands LHM's Outreach to At-Risk Women in Africa
June 27, 2019
At the Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML) convention last week, LHM was one of 21 recipients to receive funding for a mission grant. The LWML accepted LHM's mission grant titled "Mission Outreach for At-Risk Young Women in Africa" in the amount of $100,000. Accordingly, the theme of this year's convention was "In Praise to the LORD!" and, because of this grant, we can reach more women in Africa and around the globe.
Results Announced for LHM's 2019 Election
June 6, 2019
More than two-thirds of Lutheran Hour Ministries' registered voting members cast ballots in the recent election to fill four seats on the Board of Directors for the International Lutheran Laymen's League/Lutheran Hour Ministries.
Spiritual Conversations Named a Resource of the Year
May 16, 2019
Lutheran Hour Ministries is pleased to announce that Outreach Magazine has named our Spiritual Conversations in the Digital Age monograph produced in partnership with Barna Group as a Resource of the Year for Evangelism. The recognition is featured in the March/April 2019 issue of the magazine.
LHM Highlights "Best Practices" with Other Ministry Leaders
March 1, 2019
Lutheran Hour Ministries was front and center in presenting its outreach tools to thousands of pastors and church leaders during February's Best Practices for Ministry Conference in Phoenix, Arizona.
SENT Update: Initiative Surpasses 2020 Goal for Weekly Gospel Reach
February 1, 2019
It is with gratitude to God, and deep appreciation to the multitude of people who have supported the SENT Initiative effort, that LHM announces the Reach goal has been met and exceeded—today reaching 128,333,672 people each week with the Gospel!! This is 119% of the original goal set in 2015.
Stories from other years:
2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 |