Archived News Stories
2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 |
The Impact of Radio Ministry
December 6, 2016
Andrea's road wasn't easy. As a young girl, she suffered from a nervous breakdown. Schizophrenia, paranoia - the downward spiral plagued her into middle age. Finally, she reached a point of desperation.
Weekly Devotions for Hope and Healing Booklet
November 23, 2016
New Video Bible Study Now Available
September 24, 2016
In A Man Named Martin -- Part Two: The Moment, watch the famous reformer put on his gloves as the clash between him and the late Medieval Church began in earnest with the nailing of the 95 Theses to the church doors at Wittenberg.
Celebrate 100 Years of Mission and Ministry
September 24, 2016
There's still time to join us in St. Louis Oct. 21-23 for an exciting weekend that recognizes the rich history of LHM's ministry and offers opportunities to learn about the bold vision that will carry LHM forward.
LHM's 'Online Mission Trip' Heads to Madagascar
September 24, 2016
Lutheran school students will "travel" to Madagascar for a virtual mission adventure during National Lutheran Schools Week, Jan. 23-27, 2017.
Eyeglass Clinic in Jamaica Meets Physical and Spiritual Needs
September 24, 2016
Lack of access to eye care services is a severe problem in the Caribbean island nation of Jamaica. Learn how LHM partnered with a team from MOST Ministries to help more than 500 people.
Coloring Contest Promotes LHM's Rose Parade Float
September 24, 2016
Children across the nation are invited to participate in an annual contest sponsored by the Petal Pushers. Find out how your kids can participate and what they can win!
Board Nominations Open for 2017
September 24, 2016
Do you know an individual whose God-given talents, skill sets, and passion for outreach ministry make him/her an ideal candidate to serve in a leadership position? LHM is seeking Board candidates for the positions of vice chair and director to be considered for next spring's election.
LHM Booklet Deals with Breast Cancer
September 24, 2016
This new booklet, available just in time for Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, offers unique insight from an oncologist who has treated women battling all stages of the disease.
Support Christian Victims of Persecution in the Middle East
September 12, 2016
Finding Hope in Jesus
August 8, 2016
10 Scriptures that Represent Grief
July 20, 2016
Beyond the Church—Men's Groups Expand their Reach for WORK DAY Number Four
July 6, 2016
This year's WORK DAY had a decidedly outreach flair as groups intentionally went into communities and off church campuses to do their work.
Devotional Series Helps Grieving Husband Know Jesus' Love
July 6, 2016
A devotional publication from Lutheran Hour Ministries' center in Brazil made a difference to a man overwhelmed with grief after the death of his wife.
Hope and a New Beginning: LHM - Cameroon Helps Students Form a Club for New Believers
July 6, 2016
LHM's center in Cameroon comes alongside a group of new believers as they struggle against persecution from their families and community.
A Man Named Martin Now Available for Spanish-speaking Audiences
July 6, 2016
This five-session Bible study with voiceover in Spanish is ideal for sharing with Spanish-speaking friends and/or congregation members.
We the Church: The Priesthood of All Believers
July 6, 2016
A new LHM video resource examines the role of laity both inside and outside of the church and challenges today's church members to embrace their rich heritage as disciples by sharing the message of hope they have in Jesus Christ.
Join LHM for a Celebration 100 Years in the Making
July 6, 2016
Mark your calendars to join us at historic Union Station in downtown St. Louis Oct. 21-23 for an exciting weekend that kicks off a year-long celebration of the 100th anniversary of the International Lutheran Laymen's League / Lutheran Hour Ministries! This weekend recognizes the rich history of LHM's ministry and offers opportunities to learn about the bold vision that will carry LHM forward to new generations.
Double Your Impact on Global Missions
July 6, 2016
For a limited time, all gifts made by churches and their members to LHM's ministry centers in Indonesia, Paraguay, and Uganda will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, up to $120,000.
Results Announced for LHM's 2016 Election
June 21, 2016
LHM members pass three Bylaws changes and fill open Board positions.
Kenya Ministry Welcomes Visitors with a New Lease on Life
March 30, 2016
A program in Kenya reaches out to young mothers convicted of petty offenses, shares the Gospel of Jesus with them, reunites them with their children as quickly as possible, and helps them begin a process that will equip them to earn a legal living wage.
LHM Paraguay Center Dedicates New Office Facility
March 30, 2016
On Sunday, March 13, friends, partners, and supporters gathered in Asunción, Paraguay to celebrate the dedication of the new ministry facility of LHM's Cristo Para Todas Las Naciones (CPTLN)-—Paraguay outreach center. Several months after breaking ground, the ministry finally has a place to call its own.
Invite a Friend; Help a Neighbor for This Year's WORK DAY
March 30, 2016
The fourth annual Men's NetWork WORK DAY is only a month away! Ask your friends and family members to join your group and then get off the church campus to make some inroads into your neighborhoods and communities.
Upcoming LHM Booklet Meets at the Juncture of Grief and Hope
March 30, 2016
Coming to terms with the loss of a loved one is a different process for each of us. The good news is that the power of God is abundantly available when sorrow and anguish cloud our faith and weaken our trust.
Readers Respond Positively to LHM's Seasonal Devotions
March 30, 2016
Lutheran Hour Ministries' 2016 Lenten Devotion series, Love's Greatest Sacrifice, wrapped up Easter weekend. Readers responded that this year's series successfully delivered in being written to teach and share, offer new insights, and bring the love of Jesus into our hearts.
MISSION U: Workshops That Empower
February 29, 2016
Congregations can choose from five workshop options that are each designed to add confidence and fresh perspective to make conversations about Jesus, faith and the Christian life more natural.
Choice of Pocketknives for Men's NetWork WEAR in the World Photos
February 29, 2016
As we inch toward spring and the weather warms, travelers begin to hit the road. For those visiting landmark destinations in the U.S. and around the globe—and who are savvy enough to take a Men's NetWork cap or shirt with them—a small gift can be theirs for very little work.
LWML Grant Supports LHM's Ministry to Refugees
February 29, 2016
The Lutheran Women's Missionary League's Executive Committee met recently at LHM's headquarters in St. Louis—and made a special presentation while they were in town.
Seltz Accepts Legacy & Leadership Award for 'The Lutheran Hour'
February 29, 2016
The Bott Radio Network honors Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz and The Lutheran Hour during the National Religious Broadcasters Celebration Breakfast.
Online Mission Trip a Hit with Lutheran School Students
February 29, 2016
LHM's Online Mission Trip 2016 took several thousand "virtual missionaries" to Central America to introduce them to the land, culture, and character of Guatemala—and the week was filled with energy, excitement, and assurances of God's love for people everywhere.
More than 300 Respond to Drama Presented by Korea Ministry Center
February 29, 2016
Working with dramatist Dr. Lee Ban, LHM's Korea ministry center demonstrates again why it stands out in the use of drama to look at life through Christian eyes.
Upcoming Bible Study Aimed at Those in Tough Circumstances
January 28, 2016
A soon-to-be released printed resource from Lutheran Hour Ministries tackles the reality that our situation is usually the result of our own choices, however wise or unwise. Just as with the prodigal son in Jesus' parable, our heavenly Father has a message of hope and restoration for us.
Download LHM's Lenten Devotions Today!
January 28, 2016
Add depth and perspective to the Easter season. Lenten Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries in English and Spanish are available now to begin your reflection on Jesus' ministry and passion.
Direct Your Thrivent Choice Dollars to Lutheran Hour Ministries
January 28, 2016
Eligible Thrivent members are designated Choice Dollars at various times throughout the year that can then be directed to thousands of nonprofit organizations nationwide. Choice Dollars designated to you during 2015 can be directed until March 31, 2016.
LHM Begins Gospel Outreach in Turkey
January 28, 2016
God is calling Lutheran Hour Ministries to reach out in new ways in a land that first heard the Gospel during the time of Paul.
Not Too Early to Plan: 2016 Men's NetWork WORK DAY
January 28, 2016
On Saturday, April 30, the fourth Men's NetWork WORK DAY will be in full swing across North America. The task here is simple: get together with your men's group and come up with a game plan for what you can do for someone in your community who may be outside the church.
Bring LHM's Personal Witnessing Program to Your Church
January 28, 2016
Take advantage of a limited time discount to host a MISSION U course that will equip your congregation members with the tools and training needed to reach people with the real news of Jesus.
LHM - Cameroon Shares Christmas Joy with Orphaned and Abandoned Children
January 28, 2016
Lutheran Hour Ministries' outreach center in Cameroon shines the light of the newborn Savior with children who live on the streets of the nation's capital.
Stories from other years:
2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 |