Archived News Stories
2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 |
Watch for the Lutheran Hour Ministries Float in the Rose Parade
December 31, 2015
Annual Lutheran Christmas Party Shares the Reason for the Season with Bangkok Friends and Neighbors
December 22, 2015
Concordia Into Light Lutheran Church in Bangkok loves to invite people to come celebrate Christmas. Lutheran Hour Ministries' Thailand outreach center loves to partner with the church and help share the true Reason for the season.
India Ministry Center Responds to Struggling Families after Chennai Floods
December 22, 2015
In November and December, India's southern state of Tamil Nadu—and particularly the city of Chennai— experienced flooding on an unprecedented scale. Lutheran Hour Ministries—India has reached out to help hundreds with emergency supplies—and a message of hope and peace in Jesus.
Meeting Needs, Silent or Outspoken: 'Project Connect' Booklets in the New Year
December 22, 2015
Project Connect topical booklets bring a Christ-centered spiritual perspective to the issues of human life that we face every day. How will Project Connect help you reach out and share the love of God with your visitors and neighbors in the coming year?
Order Your Free Materials Now for 'Lutheran Hour Ministries Sunday'
December 22, 2015
Finalize your congregation's plans now to celebrate Lutheran Hour Ministries Sunday on Feb. 7, 2016. Free materials are now available to be ordered to show how LHM's outreach tools serve as a catalyst for partnering with the laity to empower them to be missionaries in their own communities.
Extension of IRA Rollover Offers One More Way to Help LHM Meet 2015 Goals
December 22, 2015
Are you looking for a last-minute Christmas gift? Consider giving a special gift to ministry that can help bring the Gospel message to hurting people around the world who are searching for more meaning in life.
Watch for the Lutheran Hour Ministries Float in the Rose Parade
December 22, 2015
Invite your friends, relatives and neighbors to watch for the Lutheran Hour Ministries float during television coverage of the New Year's Day Rose Parade. For the best viewing, the Home and Garden channel (HGTV) shows the parade in its entirety on cable TV. The float is scheduled at the end of the parade as the 93rd unit out of 95.
Upcoming Bible Study Examines LCMS Church Dynamics through the Years
December 20, 2015
Baptism x 68 under a Mango Tree in Kenya
December 16, 2015
Advent Devotions from LHM Now Available for Download
November 28, 2015
Vietnam Ministry Center's Outreach Events Share Christ's Love with Thousands
November 25, 2015
Open-air outreach and first-time women's sports tournament are highlights of Lutheran Hour Ministries—Vietnam's exciting fall events.
Baptism x 68 under a Mango Tree in Kenya
November 25, 2015
LHM—Kenya volunteer Emmanuel Tsuma has worked for four years to share the Gospel among his fellow Duruma people, who live on the plains west of Mombasa. God has blessed his efforts and his partnership with LHM!
Upcoming Bible Study Examines LCMS Church Dynamics through the Years
November 25, 2015
A new video Bible study from Lutheran Hour Ministries celebrates Christianity's "Priesthood of Believers" and how it is demonstrated in the life of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
Get the 'Men's NetWork' E-newsletter and Join the Conversation
November 25, 2015
Information about all the great men's ministry resources you need—and then some! That's LHM's weekly Men's NetWork e-newsletter. Not a subscriber yet? We can fix that.
Reminder: LHM Has a Great Daily Resource for Your Advent Devotions
November 25, 2015
Looking for a convenient multi-purpose resource to help people focus their minds and hearts as Christmas approaches? Look no further than Lutheran Hour Ministries' Advent Devotions for 2015!
LHM's 'Online Mission Trip' Takes Lutheran School Kids to Guatemala
November 25, 2015
Lutheran Hour Ministries' popular Online Mission Trip for Lutheran school students is back for 2016! Join LHM January 25-28 as we travel to the Central American nation of Guatemala for a virtual mission adventure!
Share Your Thoughts About Project Connect
November 25, 2015
This booklet ministry has served as a valuable resource in offering Christian messages of love and hope to people in your congregation and/or community who may be struggling. Take this short survey to help us make Project Connect an even more useful resource in the future.
#GivingTuesday is December 1
November 25, 2015
Take part in this growing national movement where Americans are giving back to organizations that are meaningful to them. Check your e-mail on November 30 for a special giving opportunity from LHM.
LHM Brings a Regional Outreach Conference to the Sunshine State
November 11, 2015
Panama Ministry Team Reaches Out to Dialysis Patients
October 22, 2015
A team of volunteers from Lutheran Hour Ministries—Panama don operating room garb to share the Gospel's message of salvation and hope with patients at a dialysis clinic.
Madagascar Church Grows After Making Outreach a Priority
October 22, 2015
A Lutheran Hour Ministries Equipping the Saints workshop helps a small Madagascar congregation reach out—and grow.
LHM Brings a Regional Outreach Conference to the Sunshine State
October 22, 2015
The Regional Outreach Conference in Orlando is just a few weeks away. Don't miss your chance to hear powerful messages from Rev. Gregory Seltz and David Kinnaman. Still looking for a hotel room? A special room rate for the conference expires Oct. 23!
Shaping the Men's NetWork: Your View Counts
October 22, 2015
We want to hear from you! The Men's NetWork has used your feedback in recent years to raise the bar and make this ministry program the best it can be. Take our new survey and share your thoughts; your opinion matters to us!
LHM Participates Again in Combined Federal Campaign
October 22, 2015
For the eighth year in a row, Lutheran Hour Ministries is participating in the Combined Federal Campaign, a workplace giving opportunity available through mid-December to United States military and federal employees worldwide.
Last Call for Board Nominations
October 22, 2015
Nominations for candidates to serve on the Board of Directors for the International Lutheran Laymen's League/Lutheran Hour Ministries are being requested through Nov. 1.
Upcoming Webinar Presents Opportunities for Outreach to Refugees in America
October 22, 2015
Join us on Saturday, October 24th at 10 a.m. Central Time for a live, one-hour webinar: Refugees in America: An Outreach Opportunity. In this interactive webinar, Rev. Stanish Stanley will share the unique opportunity that American Christians have to serve refugee families from around the world and show them the love of Christ.
God's People at Work: Action in Ministry on 'The Lutheran Hour'
October 20, 2015
LHM-Church Partnership Helps Men 'Live Positively'
September 29, 2015
A collaborative effort between Lutheran Hour Ministries—Kenya and a Nairobi-area Lutheran church is helping HIV-positive men find support and a sense of belonging.
Correspondence Course Goes Behind Bars to Bring the Comfort of the Gospel
September 29, 2015
Aleksey admits he lived a deluded and callous life, and it landed him in prison for life. But there he learned about God's love—and he has learned much more thanks to an LHM resource!
God's People at Work: Action in Ministry on 'The Lutheran Hour'
September 29, 2015
This spring, a new feature debuted on The Lutheran Hour! The weekly "Action in Ministry" segment offers vivid snapshots of the ways in which LHM and its partners are Bringing Christ to the Nations—and the Nations to the Church.
'Men's NetWork' Fishing Tournament Number Seven Wraps Up
September 29, 2015
As fall arrives, the 2015 Men's NetWork Fishing Tournament comes to a close. The highlight of this year's event: serving as "fishers of men" by fishing with men!
Finding Contentment Even When Life Is Good
September 29, 2015
Contentment: it's something many people pursue but few achieve. A new booklet from Project Connect offers practices for finding true contentment in the author and finisher of our faith.
Advent Devotions from LHM Now Available for Download
September 29, 2015
Holiday seasons can easily lose their joy and delight when little things relentlessly nag at us and annoy us. This year's Advent devotional, Fear Not!, reminds us that God is the One fully in charge, granting us the daily grace to trust in Him, even when life clouds our vision.
Travel with LHM to Follow the Footsteps of Martin Luther and the Reformation
September 29, 2015
As the 500th anniversary of the Reformation approaches, LHM invites you to celebrate the life and influence of Martin Luther by joining us on a trip to the Land of Luther, April 24-May 3, 2016.
LHM Seeks Nominations for Board of Directors
September 29, 2015
Do you know an individual whose God-given talents, skill sets and passion for outreach ministry make him or her an ideal candidate to serve in a leadership position for this ministry? LHM is seeking candidates for the positions of chairman and director to be on the ballot in next spring's election.
Pack Your Virtual Bags! LHM's 'Online Mission Trip' is Headed to Guatemala!
September 28, 2015
Myanmar Ministry Center Responds to Flood Emergency
September 26, 2015
New App Makes More Bible Studies Available for Your Mobile Device
September 1, 2015
Coloring Contest Promotes LHM's Rose Parade Float
August 27, 2015
Children across the nation are invited to participate in an annual contest sponsored by the Petal Pushers. Find out how your kids can participate and what they can win!
Myanmar Ministry Center Responds to Flood Emergency
August 27, 2015
On July 30, heavy winds and rain from tropical Cyclone Komen compounded flooding caused by unusually heavy monsoon rainfall in parts of the Asian country of Myanmar. Lutheran Hour Ministries—Myanmar visited the hard-hit Magway Region to bring relief and the comfort of the Gospel.
No Joke: LHM Volunteer Team Makes a Spirit-fueled Impact
August 27, 2015
A skeptical village leader discovers God's providence when a team sent by Lutheran Hour Ministries shows up to work alongside and strengthen his community.
Pack Your Virtual Bags! LHM's 'Online Mission Trip' is Headed to Guatemala!
August 27, 2015
Lutheran Hour Ministries' popular Online Mission Trip for Lutheran school students is back for 2016! Join LHM January 25-28 as we travel to the Central American nation of Guatemala for a virtual mission adventure!
Regional Outreach Conference in Seattle Is Just Around the Corner
August 27, 2015
The Regional Outreach Conference in the Seattle/Tacoma area is less than a month away. Looking for a hotel room? A special room rate for the conference expires today!
Coming Soon: LHM's Advent Devotions for 2015
August 27, 2015
Summer is just now winding down, but the Christmas season will be here before we know it—along with all the angst, financial strain, hurriedness, and tumult the end of the year brings. Fear Not!, LHM's Advent Devotions for 2015, will be available in late September to help you deal with the anxiety that often robs the season of all the glory and honor it rightfully deserves.
Mission Trip FLIP: LHM Thailand Team Witnesses in Wisconsin!
August 4, 2015
Mission Trip FLIP: LHM Thailand Team Witnesses in Wisconsin!
August 4, 2015
Small in Size, Big in Content - New Booklet Points to the Savior
July 28, 2015
Lutheran Hour Ministries is excited to present another powerful teaching resource for children. The new booklet Do You Know Who Jesus is? uses the story of the Savior to teach young children the rudiments of sharing their faith!
Scholar, Outlaw, Reformer: New Bible Study Looks at Martin Luther
July 28, 2015
Talkin' 'bout the Reformation! Lutheran Hour Ministries has just released the first installment of a three-part video Bible study on Dr. Martin Luther, the extraordinary man who helped ignite the Protestant Reformation. Get your copy today!
Ministry Center's Holistic Outreach Offers Relief after Ghana Flood, Fire
July 28, 2015
The June 3 flood, explosion and fire that ravaged part of Accra, Ghana has been called one of the worst disasters in the country's history. Lutheran Hour Ministries—Ghana reached out to help survivors meet their urgent needs.
Mission Trip FLIP: LHM Thailand Team Witnesses in Wisconsin!
July 28, 2015
We're accustomed to sending mission teams out to help with ministry efforts around the world. How often do we encounter mission teams from other countries that have come to the United States to help do ministry? It happened this month when a team from Thailand visited a church in Wisconsin!
Board Nominations Open for 2016 Election
July 28, 2015
Do you know an individual whose God-given talents, skill sets and passion for outreach ministry make him or her an ideal candidate to serve in a leadership position for this ministry? LHM is seeking candidates for the positions of chairman and director to be on the ballot in next spring's election.
Get Energized to Witness at a 'Regional Outreach Conference' This Fall
July 28, 2015
Are you ready for a two-day event that offers practical knowledge and witnessing tools to train you on how to be mission-minded disciples for Jesus Christ? Make plans now to attend a Regional Outreach Conferences when events resume this fall in Seattle and Orlando.
Two New Grants Provide Additional Support to LHM's Refugee Relief Efforts
July 28, 2015
Funding from The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod and the Lutheran Women's Missionary League will allow LHM--Lebanon to further expand its efforts to reach out with the Gospel to destitute people living in poverty-stricken refugee camps in the Middle East.
Election Results Announced for Board of Directors
July 1, 2015
Cameroon Ministry Center Responds to Terrorism-related Famine
June 29, 2015
Mayhem caused by a Nigeria-based extremist group has led to displacement and food insecurity for many thousands in the West African country of Cameroon. LHM and a long-time partner organization are responding.
Ministry News from Lutheran Hour Ministries - Mexico
June 29, 2015
Holistic service to the community is still one of the most powerful outreach tools employed by our LHM center in Mexico City. See what's going on in this busy ministry!
Fishing Outreach - It's Catching On!
June 29, 2015
Get set for a different angle on angling! Participants in the 2015 Men's NetWork Fishing Tournament are revisiting the idea of being "fishers of men": this summer, many have become "fishers of fishermen."
Election Results Announced for Board of Directors
June 29, 2015
More than 9,500 contributing members of the International Lutheran Laymen's League/Lutheran Hour Ministries voted in the recent election to fill open spots on the organization's Board of Directors. The five elected candidates will be installed at the Board of Directors meeting in St. Louis in July.
New App Makes More Bible Studies Available for Your Mobile Device
June 29, 2015
Now whether you're on your lunch break, in your car (not driving), at the airport, or by the ocean, you can access even more of the great Bible studies produced by LHM's Men's NetWork.
Election Results Announced for Board of Directors
June 22, 2015
LHM Honored for Exemplary Outreach Efforts
June 11, 2015
New Partnership Expands Reach of 'The Lutheran Hour'
May 30, 2015
The Journey to Faith Shows God at Work
May 26, 2015
A Look at the Life of Martin Luther from 'Project Connect'
May 26, 2015
A new booklet from LHM's Project Connect is a great resource to introduce a man God used in powerful ways to help ignite the Protestant Reformation.
Don't Forget to Vote by May 30!
May 26, 2015
The deadline to vote in the 2015 annual election for the Board of Directors is just days away. Now is the time for contributing members of Lutheran Hour Ministries to make their voice heard!
LHM Camps Open Doors in Thailand
May 26, 2015
For Lutheran Hour Ministries' outreach center in Thailand, fun camp experiences help build relationships, and this leads to opportunities for sharing the Gospel.
More than 700 Lend a Hand in This Year's WORK DAY
May 26, 2015
On April 25, hundreds of guys came together across the country to make an impact in hands-on witness to their communities. The reason? Work Day 2015, sponsored by the LHM Men's NetWork!
Urgent Request for Arabic Materials Received ... from Down Under
May 26, 2015
The LHM ministry center in Lebanon receives requests for Arabic-language resources from former Muslims on a regular basis—but rarely from a place that's more than 8,000 miles away.
Set Sail with LHM to Visit the "Lands of the Bible"
May 26, 2015
Reserve your spot to join LHM and Rev. Gregory Seltz in seeing firsthand some of thre exquisite locales where a multitude of Scripture-related events took place.
LHM Honored for Exemplary Outreach Efforts
May 26, 2015
The first-ever J2e3 Mission Summit shared best practices of missional efforts that are effectively reaching the lost...and LHM garnered recognition for its leadership in mission.
Theme Announced for LHM's 2016 Rose Parade Float
May 26, 2015
Summer may just be ready to begin, but it's never too early to start looking ahead to the New Year's Day Rose Parade in Pasadena, California.
LHM Honored for Exemplary Outreach Efforts
May 26, 2015
More than 700 Lend a Hand in This Year's WORK DAY
May 11, 2015
LHM Sports Ministry Reaches Out to Burmese Youth
April 29, 2015
The Journey to Faith Shows God at Work
April 29, 2015
A new video Bible study from the Men's NetWork takes a close look at the paths on which the Holy Spirit led four individuals to faith in Jesus.
Liberia Ministry Center Returns to Where It Began Its Ebola Outreach
April 29, 2015
During the summer of 2014, things looked bleak as the West African nation of Liberia struggled to catch up to the spread of the deadly Ebola virus. LHM—Liberia pioneered community-based efforts that helped slow Ebola's advance. This spring, there's reason to celebrate.
Argentine Educator Keeps His Witnessing Simple, Straightforward
April 29, 2015
When Pablo Lavia began working with students and faculty members in higher education, he discovered new challenges in sharing the Gospel. Did that stop him? What do you think?
'The Lutheran Hour' Program to Introduce 'Action in Ministry' Segment
April 29, 2015
What's new on the world's longest-running Gospel radio program? The Lutheran Hour is introducing a new segment that will add insight to your understanding of what LHM does in the name of Jesus around the world!
Be Empowered to Share Your Faith at a 'Regional Outreach Conference' This Fall
April 29, 2015
Join hundreds of other mission-minded individuals this fall when Lutheran Hour Ministries continues its Regional Outreach Conferences (ROC) with events in Seattle and Orlando.
New Partnership Expands Reach of 'The Lutheran Hour'
April 29, 2015
The Lutheran Hour® will begin airing on 101 stations of the Bott Radio Network as of May 31. The weekly program will fill prime slots formerly used by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association on the network's broadcast coverage into 15 states.
Saying Goodbye to 'JCPlayZone'
April 29, 2015
While LHM has made the decision to no longer maintain the site as one of its strategic priorities, a new partnership with Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) will allow some of the content to be used in other ways.
WORK DAY 2015: Sign Up Your Team Today!
April 24, 2015
The Journey to Faith Shows God at Work
April 21, 2015
New Partnership Expands Reach of 'The Lutheran Hour'
April 15, 2015
Pray for Kenya and LHM Ministry Center
April 2, 2015
Ministry Center's No-strings Act of Love Opens One Family's Eyes
March 27, 2015
A Lutheran Hour Ministries—India volunteer helps build a relationship by meeting the need of a disabled child.
LHM Sports Ministry Reaches Out to Burmese Youth
March 27, 2015
Young athletes sense how LHM—Myanmar's annual sports tournament is different from other events—and they want to be part of the difference.
New This Spring: Six 'Five14' Workshops to Help Teens in Their Faith Walk.
March 27, 2015
Lutheran Hour Ministries introduces six new five14 workshops to help teens grow in faith and character.
Project Connect Audio Format Puts Booklets within Earshot
March 27, 2015
Lutheran Hour Ministries' popular Project Connect just became accessible in a whole new way: now you can listen to them!
Lutheran Hour Ministries Sunday: It's Not Too Late to Celebrate!
March 27, 2015
Did your congregation miss holding Lutheran Hour Ministries Sunday on Feb. 1? No problem! Anytime is a great time to learn about Lutheran Hour Ministries' bold proclamation of God's Word and its available resources for outreach.
New Charitable Gift Annuity Option Offers Greater Flexibility
March 27, 2015
Lutheran Hour Ministries now offers you the freedom to choose when you want to begin taking payments. Plus you will receive the best possible rate when you begin taking payments and you can still take a tax deduction when you first set up the gift!
WORK DAY 2015: Sign Up Your Team Today!
March 27, 2015
On Saturday, April 25, the third Men's NetWork WORK DAY will be in full swing across North America. The task here is simple: get together with your men's group and come up with a game plan for what you can do for someone in your community who may be outside the church.
WORK DAY 2015: Sign Up Your Team Today
March 27, 2015
Angling as Outreach: MNW Fishing Tourney Casts a Wider Net
March 26, 2015
A Dozen Ways to Explore the Christian Faith: GodConnects
March 24, 2015
Project Connect Audio Format Puts Booklets within Earshot
March 20, 2015
LHM - Lebanon Provides Food and Supplies in Advance of Winter Storm
February 21, 2015
Cambodia Volunteer Team's Work Bears Fruit
February 20, 2015
Two years after a group from Mt. Prospect, Ill. helped build classrooms for a church in a remote Cambodian community, their work is contributing to a powerful Gospel outreach.
Lutheran Hour Ministries' 'Online Mission Trip 2015' Introduces Students to Latvia Ministry
February 20, 2015
Lutheran Hour Ministries' Online Mission Trip to Latvia gave students in U.S. Lutheran schools an in-depth look at Gospel outreach in the former Soviet republic of Latvia!
'International Volunteer Trip' Opportunities: Start Here; Start Now!
February 20, 2015
Learn how you can serve others in Jesus' name through Lutheran Hour Ministries' International Volunteer Trip opportunities—and about LHM's newest volunteer-training resource, Equip for the Trip!
Angling as Outreach: MNW Fishing Tourney Casts a Wider Net
February 20, 2015
Registration for the seventh annual Men's NetWork North American Fishing Tournament opens March 9. This year's tournament has a new look—and offers a fresh sense of the phrase "fishers of men"!
New Sermon Series Begins on 'The Lutheran Hour'
February 20, 2015
Life is full of regrets. For some of us, these events or actions have scarred our psyches. Though the circumstance or action is long gone, the effects are often still present, self-accusing and disturbing. Is there a way beyond our back-story? Join us the weekend of Feb. 22 as Rev. Gregory Seltz, Speaker of The Lutheran Hour, begins a five-part sermon series exploring the nature of regret and the forgiveness God holds out to each of us—regardless of what we've done.
Angling as Outreach: MNW Fishing Tourney Casts a Wider Net
February 20, 2015
Project Connect Assists Nebraska District's Outreach behind Bars
January 25, 2015
Register Now for Dynamic Outreach Conference in New York!
January 23, 2015
Lutheran Hour Ministries Float Wins Prestigious Rose Parade Award
January 22, 2015
The Lutheran Hour Ministries float has long been recognized as the only Christian float in the annual Rose Parade. But this year it was also recognized with an award for its beauty!
Direct Your Thrivent Choice Dollars to Lutheran Hour Ministries
January 22, 2015
Eligible Thrivent members are designated Choice Dollars at various times throughout the year that can then be directed to thousands of nonprofit organizations nationwide. Choice Dollars designated to you during 2014 can be directed until March 31, 2015.
Lutheran Hour Ministries Sunday is Just Days Away
January 22, 2015
Finalize your congregation's plans now to celebrate Lutheran Hour Ministries Sunday on Feb. 1. This is a great chance to learn about Lutheran Hour Ministries' bold proclamation of God's Word and its available resources for outreach.
Download LHM's Lenten Devotions Today!
January 22, 2015
With the New Year, we are preparing to focus our attention on the cross of our Savior. To get your perspective centered on this momentous time in the church year, Lutheran Hour Ministries offers Lenten devotions in both English and Spanish.
A Dozen Ways to Explore the Christian Faith: GodConnects
January 22, 2015
Lutheran Hour Ministries has unveiled GodConnects, a video-based course on Christianity comprised of 12 videos hosted by Rev. Gregory Seltz, Speaker of The Lutheran Hour, and supporting written material. These video vignettes (each less than ten minutes) present key biblical concepts These video vignettes (each less than ten minutes) present key biblical concepts in a style ideal for someone new to the Christian faith, while also benefiting long-time Christians.
LHM - Lebanon Provides Food and Supplies in Advance of Winter Storm
January 22, 2015
Winter brought additional challenges to displaced Syrians living in makeshift dwellings on the outskirts of Lebanon's border communities. A delivery of food and supplies from Lutheran Hour Ministries helped the refugees brace for a winter storm that brought sub-freezing temperatures, ice and snow.
LHM - Thailand School Outreach Teaches Children the True Meaning of Christmas
January 22, 2015
The hard-working Lutheran Hour Ministries—Thailand team visited 13 schools to teach hundreds (and hundreds) of children what Christmas is really all about!
Take the "Cruise of a Lifetime" with LHM
January 22, 2015
Join Speaker of The Lutheran Hour Rev. Gregory Seltz as Lutheran Hour Ministries hosts a 14-day journey to the "Lands of the Bible" Sept. 28-Oct. 11, 2015.
Men's NetWork WORK DAY: a Perfect Recipe for Outreach
January 22, 2015
On Saturday, April 25, the third Men's NetWork WORK DAY will be in full swing across North America. The task here is simple: get together with your men's group and come up with a game plan for what you can do for someone in your community who may be outside the church.
The Lutheran Hour's Upcoming Sermon Series Will Focus on Regrets
January 22, 2015
Tune in to The Lutheran Hour the weekend of Feb. 22 as we begin a five-part sermon series exploring the nature of regret and the forgiveness God holds out to each of us—regardless of what we've done.
A Dozen Ways to Explore the Christian Faith: GodConnects
January 22, 2015
Straight to the Heart: Messages from 'Five14'
January 3, 2015
Stories from other years:
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