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LHM Resources for Men

LHM Resources for Men

Stuff They Didn't Teach Me In Sunday School

Ever wondered if there was just a bit more to some of those lessons you learned in Sunday school? Well, we thought so too. Join Bruce Wurdeman as he takes you behind the scenes and uncovers "Stuff They Didn't Teach Me In Sunday School."

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Epiosde 005: God's Promise

Genesis 12: 1-20

Sep. 28, 2009

God made three promises to Abraham: land, descendants, and that he would be a blessing to all nations. The bounty of these promises extended far beyond Abraham's earthly life; they stretch through this present world into eternity itself-the new heavens and the new earth.
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Episode 004: God Chose Abraham

Joshua 24: 1-15

Sep. 21, 2009

As we see in the case of Abraham (and will see often in our search through the Bible), God doesn't think the way we think. And He often chooses the most unlikely men to lead His people and accomplish the things He wants done.
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Episode 003: Noah's Vineyard

Genesiss 9: 20-29

Sep. 14, 2009

The Bible is unique among the holy books of the world's various religions. It is not afraid to show the flaws of its heroes.
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Episode 002: The Fall

Genesis 3: 1-15

Sep. 7, 2009

Have you ever watched someone do something dangerous without realizing the peril they were putting themselves in? Adam stood watching his lovely wife become completely caught up in Satan's deception. If Adam had stepped forward and tried to warn Eve, she might well have answered him, "How can something that feels so right be so wrong?"
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Promotional Video

Aug. 28, 2009

Promo Video of Stuff They Didn't Teach Me In Sunday School
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Episode 001: Adam and Eve

Genesis 2: 18-25

Aug. 28, 2009

Eve was an amazing gift God gave to Adam. She was unique and different from him, but they complemented and fit each other perfectly. That is the way God intended our marriages to be - husband and wife each complementing the other with the unique gifts He gives.
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Change Their World. Change Yours. This changes everything.

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