Stuff They Didn't Teach Me In Sunday School
Ever wondered if there was just a bit more to some of those lessons you learned in Sunday school? Well, we thought so too. Join Bruce Wurdeman as he takes you behind the scenes and uncovers "Stuff They Didn't Teach Me In Sunday School."
Episode 065: Battlefield Trophy
1 Samuel 17
Nov. 22, 2010
Young David carried a rather unique trophy from the battlefield. I bet your wife wouldn't let you hang it on the wall!
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Episode 064: Israel Will Call Him King, But God Won't
1 Samuel 10
Nov. 15, 2010
God may grant Israel the king the people ask for, but He won't take a backseat to him.
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Episode 063: What Were They Thinking?
1 Samuel 4-6
Nov. 8, 2010
Israel's enemies capture God's ark and hold it hostage in the temple of their god. Big mistake!
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Episode 062: The Boy Who Stands In The Gap
1 Samuel 3
Nov. 1, 2010
Isn't it just like God to send a boy to do a man's job?
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Episode 061: Where's The Punch Line?
Ruth 4:16-17
Oct. 25, 2010
It's a great story of a young widow's loyalty and the good-hearted man who takes her as his wife. But what's it doing in the Bible?
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Episode 060: The Tribe that Nearly Went Extinct
Judges 19-20
Oct. 18, 2010
What would make a Levite dismember his wife's corpse and send a piece to each of Israel's tribes? Do I hear another major beat down coming?
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Episode 059: Self-Serving Superman
Judges 13-16
Oct. 11, 2010
How do you get a self-absorbed super-judge to deliver God's people from their enemies? A little anger goes a long way.
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Episode 058: The Mercenary Levite
Judges 17-18
Oct. 4, 2010
Times are getting really bad in Israel. Now a Levite agrees to be priest to the highest bidder.
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Episode 057: How Dare You Fight Without Us!
Judges 12:1-7
Sep. 27, 2010
One of Israel's tribes goes on the war-path because of a missed invitation- and gets a major beat down.
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Episode 056: When Your Mouth is Faster than Your Brain
Judges 11
Sep. 20, 2010
Before you make a rash promise, you'd better think it through carefully. Just ask Jephthah- and his daughter!
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