LHM Ministry Response

The Lutheran Hour Ministries ministry center in Mexico is locally known as Cristo Para Todas las Naciones (Christ for all Nations). LHM—Mexico works closely with local Lutheran missions and pastors to support the outreach of each mission church, and to build a collaborative effort among all Lutheran agencies working in Mexico. LHM—Mexico publishes booklets each month that address a variety of everyday subjects. Each topic is explored and addressed from the Christian perspective encouraging the reader to apply the teachings to his or her own life. The ministry center distributes the booklets through volunteers working within the various missions, outreach stands, city-wide fairs, festivals, and through the schools involved in Project JOEL.
Project JOEL endeavors to be a force for the development of Christian values and biblical understanding within the youth of Mexico. Classified ads in newspapers are used extensively, along with distribution of a tabloid-sized newspaper supplement called "The Family in the Modern World."
Bible Correspondence Courses are an important part of the outreach and work of LHM because people in Mexico are largely unfamiliar with the Bible. Currently, LHM—Mexico is using six different courses. LHM supports the church through training and education of lay ministers. One group of facilitators uses the LHM office as their training center and material resource office as they study the training course developed through the Hispanic Institute of Theology from the Concordia Seminary in St. Louis.
LHM—Mexico ministry programs:
- YouTube
- Text Messaging
- Booklets
- Newspaper Ads
- Billboards
- Bible Correspondence Courses, including Youth materials
- Elder Groups
- Single Mother's Groups
- Community Day Care
- Family Fair
- Reformation Day Event
- Street March for Jesus
- Puppet Ministry
- Project JOEL - Music Outreach - Youth Retreats
- Movie Nights
- Youth Ministry
- Vacation Bible School
- Sports/Martial Arts Outreach
- Small Group Ministry
- Equipping the Saints Workshop
- Community Center JOEL/Sports Center