LHM Ministry Response

There is absolute freedom to proclaim religion in Kenya and, Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM)—Kenya is taking advantage of every opportunity. Children, ages 6-13, gather as part of LHM—Kenya's Kids Club where they participate in kids Bible Correspondence Courses (BCC), monthly activities, topical discussions (topics ranging from HIV/AIDS to the influence of media), and visits to schools and homes. LHM—Kenya also hosts a successful Vacation Bible School (VBS) every summer. For several years, volunteers from North America have participated in LHM—Kenya's VBS.
LHM—Kenya's youth ministry is impacting the lives of many with outreach missions including public performances of drama and music. Pastors and local citizens utilize a collection of Braille, print, video, audio, and electronic resources as part of the Lutheran Hour Library.
In rural communities of Kenya, language barriers and poverty temper ministry efforts. LHM—Kenya overcomes many of these stumbling blocks with a strong outreach plan. After arriving in these communities, LHM—Kenya staff travels door-to-door to share the Gospel and The Jesus Film show is shown in the local language. LHM—Kenya expands outreach by visiting prisons, schools, hospitals, private homes, and congregations. In urban areas where English is the official language, LHM—Kenya provides printed material.
By hearing God's Word, many Kenyans have enrolled in BCCs. The BCCs have allowed LHM—Kenya to spread ministry into the neighboring countries of Tanzania, Zaire, and Rwanda as well where Kiswahili is spoken.
LHM—Kenya ministry programs:
- Radio Program - new call in program
- Yeshua TV Special
- Christmas/Easter TV Specials
- Text Messaging
- Booklets
- Billboards
- Banners
- Bible Correspondence Courses
- Rally
- Drama Team
- Puppet Ministry
- Film Showing
- Youth Ministry, including Touch a Kids Life and Somali Program
- Vacation Bible School
- Door to Door Evangelism
- Small Group Ministry
- Equipping the Saints Workshop
- Reaching Rehab - female youth outreach
Nairobi, KENYA
Phone Number
(254-020) 271-8160
(254-020) 273-0553