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Gifted for More
A New Framework for Equipping Christians to Share Their Abilities and Skills in Everyday Life

Encouraging people to explore, strengthen and share their gifts is a deeply spiritual endeavor—one that churches and faith leaders are primed to support. Yet Barna Group research suggests that pastors and the congregations they lead often have a narrow understanding of what gifts look like, how they grow and where they can be used. Gifted for More provides crucial research to help today’s Church flourish and grow and help Christians understand and use their gifts well—inside and outside of church walls.

Gifted for More Church Campaign

The Gifted for More Church Campaign will give you everything you need to lead your church through a gift journey, helping them discover, grow and share their God-given gifts to make a difference in your church and community.

The FULLY DIGITAL kit is full of materials to deploy in your church, including:

  • A five-part sermon series on giftedness.
  • A five-week small group Bible study.
  • EveryGift Inventory with a how-to guide to lead you through your results.
  • A Path to Purpose video-based group curriculum for spiritual explorers.
  • Research resources sharing the data from the research project Barna Group and Lutheran Hour Ministries conducted in partnership together.
  • Promotional assets you can use to promote the various components of the campaign within your church.

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Digital Research Kit: Gifted for More

Explore an in-depth look at the research from Gifted for More. In addition to a digital copy of the monograph, this kit includes a presenter’s slide deck to share the research findings, a video presentation about some of the research, and a discussion guide to help lead conversations with your team.

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EveryGift Inventory

Curious about the aptitudes, innate abilities, and acquired skills that make you unique? Take the EveryGift Inventory to see your gifts in 12 distinct areas.

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Discover Your Gifts

Each of us has gifts to offer to the world around us, but we have not always identified or shared them effectively. Incorporating new research on the impact that our gifts can make, Don Everts explores the many kinds of gifts God gives. Discover how your gifts can pave a way for reconnecting with your communities.

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Discover Your Gifts Workbook

Discover more about your gifts with this practical guide that describes 12 kinds of gifts and gives examples of how each can be used in family, church, work, and society. This workbook will help you grow in your understanding and use of your own gifts and become better equipped to recognize and unleash the gifts of others.

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Gifted for More Monograph

Gifted for More, based on a study conducted in partnership with Barna Group, offers the U.S. Church a fresh framework for gifts. This report follows Christians through phases of their own journey: from being aware of their gifts, to being intentional with their gifts, to being generous with their gifts.

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You Are Gifted

This children’s booklet shows that every child is uniquely gifted by God with special interests and abilities. As kids use their gifts, they honor God, bless others, and bring glory to Jesus—God’s greatest Gift to us all.

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