Isaiah 62:1-5 - For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not be quiet, until her righteousness goes forth as brightness, and her salvation as a burning torch. The nations shall see your righteousness, and all the kings your glory, and you shall be called by a new name that the mouth of the Lord will give. You shall be a crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God. You shall no more be termed Forsaken, and your land shall no more be termed Desolate, but you shall be called My Delight Is in Her and your land Married; for the Lord delights in you, and your land shall be married. For as a young man marries a young woman, so shall your sons marry you. and as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you.
This is one of the passages I like to read when I'm feeling depressed and unhappy, and way too conscious of my own sins. Because in this passage God is speaking to the people of Jerusalem—people who have abandoned Him year after year, and gone after other gods, even to the point of human sacrifice sometimes—and yet, He won't give up on them. He still loves them, and He promises to save them. He will give them righteousness and salvation, and God Himself will rejoice over them. And they will become "a crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God." But wait a minute. Why is this crown in the hand of the Lord? Crowns go on heads, everybody knows that. Whose head is God going to put this crown on, then?
On Jesus' head. Because Jesus is the One who took away all of our sin and shame when He willingly hung on a cross just outside the walls of Jerusalem to save us all. He is God Himself come down from heaven to rescue us through His own death and resurrection, because He loves us. Now everyone who trusts in Him is forgiven, clean, and new, because Jesus has given Himself for us. He is our life, joy, and forgiveness—and we are His crown of joy forever.
WE PRAY: Dear Savior, thank You for what You have done for us. Amen.
This Daily Devotion was written by Dr. Kari Vo.
Reflection Questions:
1. What words do we usually use to describe crowns? "Beautiful" is one in this very passage—what are some others?
2. What does it mean to you, to know God sees you in these ways?
3. When will Jesus be crowned?
Today's Bible Readings: Job 14-16 Matthew 10:1-20
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