Revelation 14:6-7 - Then I saw another angel flying directly overhead, with an eternal gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on earth, to every nation and tribe and language and people. And He said with a loud voice, "Fear God and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come, and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water."
Can you imagine anyone so depraved that they would choose to hide the Gospel from another human being? Something like this happened in the 1760s, when certain people wanted to stop others from translating the Bible into the Gaelic language used in the Scottish Highlands. Why? Political reasons aimed at keeping the local people down. The great scholar Dr. Samuel Johnson wrote them a scathing letter when he heard of it, asking if this was the way they loved their neighbors. The men became ashamed of themselves and the translation went forward.
The Gospel matters. There is no news in the world so important as this, that God has come into this world to become a Man, to live among us, and to suffer, die, and rise again from the dead, so that we might belong to Him forever. The Gospel is the story of how Jesus is remaking the human race, every one of us who trusts in Him, into children of God. What better news could there be? We need to share it!
And there are many ways that you can do that. You might have the pleasure of telling this story to someone you care about, a friend or neighbor. If you feel shy, ask the Lord to set up a situation where it happens naturally. He is able to do that easily.
We can also support missionaries and mission organizations that take the Gospel to people where we ourselves cannot go—whether that's overseas, or just downtown, to people who come from different cultures and languages than ours. We can help publish Christian books and broadcasts, and train Christian pastors and teachers. The Gospel came to us because someone loved us enough to tell us. Let's tell the rest of the world!
WE PRAY: Dear Father, send out people to share Your Gospel around the world; and use me too, however You see best. Amen.
This Daily Devotion was written by Dr. Kari Vo.
Reflection Questions:
1. Have you ever talked to someone else about Jesus?
2. If so, how did it go? How did you feel about it?
3. If not, would you like to? Lutheran Hour Ministries has excellent booklets to help and encourage you in sharing your faith. Go to where you can download and read, listen to, or purchase copies of these resources.
Today's Bible Readings: Jeremiah 18-19 Colossians 3
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