2 Chronicles 17:9-10 - And they taught in Judah, having the Book of the Law of the LORD with them. They went about through all the cities of Judah and taught among the people. And the fear of the LORD fell upon all the kingdoms of the lands that were around Judah, and they made no war against Jehoshaphat.
Reader, keep in mind that Jehoshaphat was an outstanding man of God. Scripture records of him that he "sought the God of his father and walked in his commandments, and not according to the practices of Israel" (2 Chronicles 17:4).
May the Holy Spirit similarly give us God-fearing, God-loving leaders today. Jehoshaphat wanted his people to be reverent, ready to serve the Almighty, re-dedicated to their Maker. To him the five books of Moses, the chief part of the Bible in his day, were God's own infallible, unbreakable truth, heaven's help for His people's peace and blessing.
So for us today, in Scripture our Heavenly Father Himself speaks to us directly, personally, infallibly. His Word pulls down all pride and pretense to show that no matter how good you may think you are, how outwardly respectable your life may appear, without Jesus, you are lost in your sin.
In the Scriptures we find the most magnificent love the world will ever witness is that marvel of mercy whereby Jesus became the Savior and Substitute for sinful mankind. There on Calvary, and the cross of curse and shame, He paid the penalty for our sins, suffering punishment for our iniquities. There He shed His blood to cleanse us and then He died to give us life. Three days later He rose again to assure us of our own future resurrection, ascending to the Father to guarantee us the glories of heaven.
In and through the risen Redeemer, God's precious Volume gives you peace for your soul. In God's saving, comforting Word, by the Holy Spirit's power, you can find strength to conquer evil habits, reform your life, and return to your Heavenly Father. Between the covers of Scripture you'll discover God's truth, the divine lamp unto your feet, His guidance for every problem, and the Holy Spirit's regenerating force to make you a new creature in Christ.
May every one of you take time to pause and hear the Savior's special appeal to you: "Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest," (Matthew 11:28). May the Holy Spirit fill your hearts with the love of Jesus, who first loved you. With your whole being may you revere and lift up God's sacred Word, taking it wholly and wholeheartedly, and receive Christ Jesus as your Lord.
Then, as the Scriptures take you to stronger and stronger faith, life's deepest joys, and the victorious assurance of the Savior's pardon, may your life grow daily in the endless riches of God's Word.
THE PRAYER: Heavenly Father, lead us to study Your Word and share it with others. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
From "America, Build with the Bible!" a sermon excerpt from Rev. Dr. Walter A. Maier, the first Speaker of The Lutheran Hour
Reflection Questions:
1. What draws you most frequently to read the Bible?
2. How did people in Jehoshaphat's day learn about the Word of God?
3. What value is there to us in reading the Bible today?
Today's Bible Readings: Isaiah 37-38 Romans 5
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