Acts 4:19-20 - But Peter and John answered them, "Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge, for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard."
I don't know what ordeals Satan has placed before you. I can, however, even without having met you, describe what may be happening in your life. See if this doesn't fit. Things haven't turned out like you thought they would when you were young. You wanted to make a difference with your life, but now it seems you might have to settle for second best.
The things in which you had hoped are threadbare and in need of attention. Things you thought would keep you secure are shoddy and no longer safe. Your once bright future has clouds on the horizon. Your happiness has been scarred by stress and sorrow, and you are no longer sure what the outcome of it all will be.
You have tried—tried as hard as you could—to hold onto what was good, to be a compassionate and concerned individual, a faithful family member, a loyal employee, a responsible and reliable citizen. You tried, but it hasn't worked out as you had once imagined.
If this is your life, then it's time for the Holy Spirit to refresh you. It's time for you to be brought closer to the Savior who gave His life for your redemption. He is the One whose love can lead you up, over, and around Satan's stumbling blocks.
Years ago, when I was serving my congregation in southwestern Minnesota, I was called to visit a member in the hospital. As I walked down the darkened corridor, nobody was there except for the wonderful nurses on night duty.
Suddenly, a man I had never met before burst from one of the patient's rooms. Seeing my clerical collar, he ran up to me (although I imagine just about anybody would have done at the moment). At any rate, he ran up to me, grabbed my shoulders, and with a beaming smile, exploded: "She's going to make it! She's better now! She is going to make it!"
And having shared that news, he kept on going.
That's it. He had good news, and it had to be shared. Never saw the man again. Don't know the person he was talking about. I assume it was someone very special to him. I don't have to guess that his good news couldn't be contained. He had to tell somebody. He was ready to tell everybody.
That, my friends, is the situation in which I find myself today: I've got good news! My good news translates into salvation for those who are given Jesus as their Savior. For those of you who have been stumbling around, my good news is the Lord has led you to the Savior. It isn't accidental. It didn't just happen. The Holy Spirit is calling you today. For those of you who have this good news from the Lord, it's time to get out there and start sharing it, too!
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, make us ever mindful of the good news You have given us to share-that we are forgiven and accepted on account of Jesus' perfect life, death, and resurrection. In His Name I pray. Amen.
From "Stumbling Blocks," a sermon excerpt from Rev. Ken Klaus, former Speaker of The Lutheran Hour
Reflection Questions:
1. When's the last time you shared some really good news with someone?
2. Have you ever heard some news so good you felt compelled to share it?
3. Salvation in Jesus is certainly good news. What holds you back from sharing the Gospel more?
Today's Bible Readings: 2 Chronicles 15-16 2 Corinthians 5
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