John 11:25-27 - Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?" She said to him, "Yes, Lord; I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world."
"The Impossible Burger: The Vegan Burger That Bleeds." How's that for an article title?
Well, it was intriguing enough to make me read the original article and follow up by getting some support information from the Impossible website. There the company told me it had gone ahead and created a burger which was made for people who love to eat meat.
Their burger, they said, was five years in development. During that time, they investigated "taste," most certainly, but they also took a look at meat's sizzle, smell, and first-bite juiciness. Then, using a combination of wheat, coconut oil, potatoes, and their magical, mystical ingredient "heme," they created the Impossible Burger, the vegan burger that bleeds.
Now you might think that if this Impossible Burger really is all the company says, the world would rejoice that we no longer have to depend on cows to make its burgers. Now if the company, or anyone else thought that, all they need do is go to New Zealand, and they will be enlightened.
Why New Zealand?
Simple, Air New Zealand is offering the Impossible Burgers to its business-class passengers on some of its flights. And what has been the reaction? Well, I haven't heard from anyone who has eaten an Impossible Burger. On the other hand, some of the New Zealand politicians seem to have made decisions. For example,
* one leader has said the Impossible Burger was an "existential threat" to the beef industry;
* Prime Minister Winston Peters went on record saying that he was "utterly opposed to fake beef";
* another member of the ruling party maintained the airline's choosing to serve the vegan burger was a "slap in the face" to the country's $6 billion-a-year-red-meat sector."
In reply, the company which has created the Impossible Burger says, "We can't be all bad. Not when the making of our 'meat' takes 96 percent-less land and creates 87 percent-less greenhouse gas emissions." As for me and my house, I guess, like most folks, the choice will be a matter of taste?
Of course, a matter of taste is not true when it comes to belief in a Savior. Over the centuries, many have come forward to claim they could bridge the sin-created gap between God and man. Yes, they made the claim, but the reality showed they could not keep the Law perfectly, reject Satan's temptations perfectly, and resist the world's enticements perfectly.
Indeed, there has been only One who was able to prove Himself worthy of being the Savior. The third-day resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead says His sacrifice has been completed, and now there is salvation for all who acknowledge Him as Lord and Savior.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, when it comes to the salvation of my soul, grant that I may separate the real Redeemer from the self-acclaimed impostors. In Jesus' Name, I ask it. Amen.
The above devotion was inspired by a number of sources, including one written by Lucia Binding for Sky News. Those who wish to reference that article may do so at the following link, which was fully functional at the time this devotion was written:
In Christ I remain His servant and yours,
Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker emeritus of The Lutheran Hour®
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Today's Bible Readings: Amos 4-6 Galatians 1
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