(Jesus said) "Go into the village in front of you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her. Untie them and bring them to Me. If anyone says anything to you, you shall say, 'The Lord needs them,' and he will send them at once." (Matthew 21:2-3)
Read Matthew 21:1-11
It was just a colt -- a young donkey, old enough to carry someone safely, but young enough that nobody had trained it that way yet. And it was still with its mother.
That was the animal Jesus chose to ride into Jerusalem as King and Savior. It was customary for Jewish royalty to ride donkeys or mules -- we can read about it in the days of King David -- but surely all those animals were well-trained before the princes ever sat on them. Riding an unbroken colt is a good way to end up on your backside in the dust!
That's even more likely if the animal you're riding has no proper bridle or saddle, just a cloak or two thrown across its back. Add in the noise of screaming crowds, the waving of palm branches, the press of human bodies -- it's a recipe for disaster.
But not for Jesus, no. That unbroken colt carried Him safely and calmly through the crowds, right through the gates of Jerusalem. Jesus' divine power no doubt had something to do with it -- as well as His kindness and forethought in having the disciples bring the colt's older and wiser mother along as well. By evening the two donkeys would have been safely back home, sleeping in peace.
The same could not be said for Jesus Himself. Jesus' own nights of safety could be counted on a single hand -- Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Thursday evening He would eat His last meal with the disciples He loved; a few hours later He would be arrested. There would be no sleep for Him again until after the cross.
He knew this, of course -- and He welcomed it. By His suffering and death, He would save all of us, young and old, foolish and wise alike. His sleep in death meant that we would be able to sleep in peace. And His resurrection in joy and power means that we who belong to Him can always wake up in trust and hope. He cares for us, even us. There can be no greater proof of it.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, You gave Your life to make me safely Yours. Thank You. Amen.
Reflection Questions:
When you were young, what comfort allowed you to sleep in peace?
As an adult, have you ever guarded the sleep of others? How did you feel about your responsibility?
Jesus guards our sleep-both in this world and in death, until the day He returns and awakens our bodies to live forever. Say or write a prayer of thanks for His care.
Today's Bible Readings: Leviticus 13 Mark 7:14-37
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