And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts, knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. 2 Peter 1:19-21
From what I've been able to observe in recent years, there is news and there is unbiased news.
They are not the same thing. That's because news and unbiased news are almost as different as lightning is unlike a lightning bug. When it comes to news, a reporter can say just about anything he wishes. He can put spin on what he reports; he can bring his prejudices and choose his words to bring about a desired outcome in the minds and hearts of his listeners.
In contrast, unbiased news works incredibly hard at presenting the facts and letting the hearer determine his opinion about those facts. Need an example? Fine, I just happen to have one handy.
Some of you may remember how in 2012 the news services all carried a front-page story about "The Gospel of Jesus' Wife." Those stories spoke of an ancient Coptic manuscript that had been uncovered and implied that 1,600 years ago there were those who believed the Savior had been married to Mary Magdalene. It was the kind of news that rocked an awful lot of people.
* Those who were doubters said, "See The DaVinci Code is right. The church has been keeping all kinds of secrets about Jesus."
* Those who were believers tried to scramble to find a defense against a piece of news that many respected scholars had declared to be "authentic."
As I said, that story was way back in 2012. The question is was the story news or was it unbiased news?" Although it has taken a number of years, I am now able to report the story was presented in a pretty prejudiced way.
I can say that because the fellow who came up with the manuscript has been proven to be a liar. Even more, he used to run a pornographic website, which featured his wife who said she had the ability to channel God and the archangel Michael.
Even more, the respected Harvard scholar who had originally said the manuscript was probably authentic has admitted, "It appears now that all the material Fritz (the owner of the papyrus) gave to me concerning the provenance of the papyrus ... were fabrications." She also says that it is likely the thing is a forgery and a fake.
Now let me ask, has your trusted news media shared that story with as much enthusiasm as they did the one which seemed to contradict Scripture?
I'm guessing they didn't.
All of this means if you're looking for real news, trust the good news of the Gospel story. Put your belief in God's message which tells how He sent His Son into the world to offer His life as the ransom price, which has won our forgiveness, salvation and life eternal.
Yes, put your trust in God's Good News and you won't be disappointed or let down.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, let me discern Your truth from the imaginings of the world. Hold my head and heart in Your hands so I may always know Jesus' blood-bought salvation is good news indeed. In His Name I ask it. Amen.
In Christ I remain His servant and yours,
Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker emeritus of The Lutheran Hour®
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Today's Bible Readings: 2 Kings 7-9 James 3
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