Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His Holy Name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy. Psalms 103:1-4
Have you ever lost or misplaced something? If the answer is yes, please proceed to the questions below.
1 - Would you rather lose or misplace something, or would you rather have that something stolen?
2 - Why?
This past week I've asked various people that question. After some thought, almost all of them replied they would rather lose or misplace a thing. Amazingly, there was one reason why they chose that answer: they felt that when you misplace something there is always the possibility of finding it. On the other hand, most felt that when something was stolen it was gone for good.
Now the reason I ask that question is fairly important.
For decades, science has believed that when Alzheimer's attacked someone's memories it stole them away, that is, it totally erased those recollections from an individual's brain and those recollections were gone forever. Now, according to a study put out by MIT and published in Nature, there is laboratory evidence that those memories have not been stolen and erased. It is quite possible those memories remain intact, but they have been misplaced.
As my computer pals would say: the problem is memory recovery, not memory storage.
Now I know that there are many families out there who will immediately ask, "Is there hope for a loved one who is suffering from this illness right now?" or "When can we expect a cure?" All the articles I have read offer the frustrating warnings: "Far more studies are needed," and "We're years away from recovering memories in people."
That's disappointing, but those words do imply that hope is on, or just over, the horizon.
It would be a red-letter day for all of humanity if the physical ravages of Alzheimer's could be reversed. It would be a grand day of celebration if everybody could remember all of the events of their past.
And it would be even more wonderful if people could remember to give thanks to the Lord.
That's what David was saying should happen in Psalm 103. He wanted everybody to remember the many wonderful gifts the Lord has given them. Through the victorious sacrifice of Jesus, God's Son, we have been given forgiveness of sins and are set free from the pit of hell. Because of God's kindness, God's people of faith are enveloped in the Lord's steadfast love and mercy.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, may I never forget all the benefits and blessings You have given me in the Person of Jesus. May I always remember that my salvation is based on what You have done for me. In the Savior's Name I pray it. Amen.
In Christ I remain His servant and yours,
Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker emeritus of The Lutheran Hour®
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Today's Bible Readings: Deuteronomy 20-22 Luke 6:1-26
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