Now the Feast of Unleavened Bread drew near, which is called the Passover (Luke 22:1).
Ash Wednesday
Read Exodus 12:21-24.
The backdrop for our Lenten journey is the Jewish Passover. Long before Jesus' day this Jewish festival enjoyed a rich, long history, dating back to the time of the Exodus when God delivered His people Israel from slavery in Egypt.
The Passover was the tenth and final plague God brought upon Egypt. Since Egypt's leader, Pharaoh, had stubbornly refused to obey His command to free the Israelites, at midnight God would send a destroying angel to pass throughout the land of Egypt and kill all the firstborn children, including Pharaoh's own heir.
But in love, God provided a way to escape this devastating plague. A lamb could be slain in place of the firstborn and its blood spread over the door frame of the house. When the angel of death reached a blood-marked house, God would command it to pass over and leave the firstborn unharmed.
Now we join Jesus as He prepares to celebrate His last Passover festival. While reminding His followers of that first great deliverance, He prepares to accomplish an even greater deliverance by sacrificing Himself and shedding His own blood on the cross of Calvary. All who believe on Him are marked by His blood.
Then on the Last Day when Jesus Christ returns to raise the dead, He will command the angel of death to pass over all believers who are marked in His blood by faith.
THE PRAYER: Lord Jesus, Passover Lamb of God, thank You for offering Your own body and blood to deliver us from the angel of death. During this Lenten season deepen my appreciation for Your great sacrifice that I may be so thankful I won't be able keep the glorious news to myself. Amen.
Today's Bible Readings: Exodus 9-11 Matthew 25:31-46
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